X expands lawsuit over advertiser ‘boycott’ to include Lego, Nestlé, Pinterest, and others | TechCrunch
Musk knows no bottom, cause he is the bottom.
Most politicians are bought for less than a million. The guy has hundreds of billions. I imagine he can buy a few judges along the way.
I'm torn about disliking this douchebag and liking that Nestlé is getting sued...
On the scale of who is fucking up the world more, I’d have to award the trophy to Leon. Certainly fuck Nestle, but won’t someone please rid us of this meddlesome billionaire?
He should sue everyone that left X!!
No better way to get people who used to voluntarily give you money to give you more money than threatening them.
He must think it's like the old dealership laws. Once you enter into an agreement, you can't exit.
Advertise once, advertise forever!
You can also have friends if you just pay mercenaries to kidnap them from the street at gunpoint. Many many great friends at boy time.
Nothing says you believe in free market competition more, than suing a another private business, trying to force them to give you money
In an actual court? In Trumps america?
You know you've fucked up when even Nestlé doesn't want to work with you...
Obligatory Fuck Nesté
In a sane world, this lawsuit would be laughed out of court.
What person in it right mind initiate a legal battle with Nestlé??
Thank you for putting it into perspective a little bit. I still won't buy Nestlé stuff but at least now I'll feel guilty buying anything else lol
Elon is a twat and a menace for sure, but Nestlé have employed business strategies that literally killed infants and caused malnourishment...they are a completely different league of evil.
Plenty actually, like former slaves from plantations which sold products to Nestle.
...it's part of the reason why Nestle is currently lobbying the EU to not dilute the supply chain act, those kinds of cases are a PITA for them, and the documentation they need to do for the supply chain act is exactly what they need to nib cases in the bud, "Here's the inspections we did, here are transcripts of anonymous interviews with random workers at the plantation", "If something slipped between the cracks we deeply regret that but we did do our due diligence, plaintiff's beef is with their ex boss, not with us".
It is absolutely more expensive to pay an army of lawyers to defend yourself than it is to pay workers proper local wages and document that. Not to mention that people who run slave plantations don't share their extra profit with Nestle.
The other reason is that they don't want smaller companies to have a competitive advantage because they're not subject to those kinds of lawsuits.They're also not at all keen on a consumer boycott from Africa.
Tbf every body needs an asshole. Except the us, which seems to have two.
Throwing a temper tantrum because no-one wants to play with you. What a child!
The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. The States Parties will take appropriate steps to ensure the realization of this right, recognizing to this effect the essential importance of international co-operation based on free consent.
"food" here can be safely assumed to include "water". "Everyone" means "also people who can't afford fidget spinners". There's exactly one country in the world which didn't ratify the ICESCR and it's the US.