I can't be the only one that has had issues with game pass, can I?
I can't be the only one that has had issues with game pass, can I? I've tried it 3 separate times for 2-3 months each on three different PCs, and every time I've had different issues.
The windows client has been buggy. Sometimes clucking things just... doesn't work. The pathing for save files is done in such a way that you can't transfer them from PC to PC. Some games just straight up not working. The list went on for me. I figured I'd keep giving it shorter try on a new system, but not anymore.
I've read some people have absolutely zero issues after years of using it. I wonder why the experiences vary so highly from user to user. Game Pass was an interesting service, but a horrible experience for me.
G [email protected] shared this topic on
I've had issues as well with installing games. The worst thing about Game Pass is that the games are installed deep in your file system that you can't access normally. You have to fight with the file manager and mess with ownerships just to copy your save file...
Dont forget that it also creates folders that you cannot delete without either booting up a copy of Linux or reformatting your machine.
I had some issues with game pass like you experienced in the beginning, but haven't had problems since.
The Microsoft store is broken. I haven't had issues with Gamepass specifically but I have had issues with the Microsoft store, so buggy that the only fix to download a game was to reinstall Windows. Happened to my desktop and laptop the same.
I used it a lot like 5 years ago when they basically gave it away for $1 a month and then gave you additional months sometimes for $3 if you stayed. I even found a really old Xbox gamepass 1 year card from like 2004, which I got for xmas from an aunt who thought I had an Xbox. My mind was blown when it worked, and then they let you convert that old service into gamepass months for a bit. Anyway, it worked great, no issues at all. The one issue I ended up having was around space, I think. I wanna say it was something weird, like if you deleted the game from the client and it still kept the files. You had to do extra things to make sure they deleted because the files were also kept in the same location as the windows store files, which is a super odd place if you ever seen it.
Genuinely an awful user experience. It runs so laggy and slow on my computer, despite relatively modern hardware