If the internet went away indefinitely, what things would you wish you had downloaded before it happened?
If you'd download the whole wikipedia be sure to download the whole commets section for each article to have a perspective on discussions on conflicting reasons for edits. Also include all the wiki media materials for all of the public domain literature, project gutenberg, entire archive.org, a good offline OS to be able to consume all of the information and you're golden
I do have a copy of wikipedia and I should be good on entertainment media. I guess I should expand the emergency porn stash.
A full copy of Stack Overflow. Otherwise, we would not know how to get the Internet working again.
I'm a data hoarder so I already have done that.
Already got all my favourite games downloaded or on DVD. All my Youtube favourites and the full catalogues of some old channels would be great. No JonGrumps and no 00's meme videos make me something something.
Is there an archive of this kind of data anywhere? I'd love to store this. I've already got a few wikis, including Wikipedia itself, but I'd love more
Honestly I'd probably just give up on technology entirely. Become a hermit carpenter or something
Assuming the web would go completely bust, I'd go back to a much simpler life.
It’s individual universities.