If the internet went away indefinitely, what things would you wish you had downloaded before it happened?
Yeah same here lol. Already got Wikipedia and backup copies of all my books, as well as enough TV and movies to last a good long while. Also an entire offline copy of Project Gutenberg.
For the Wikipedia part, it's surprisingly simple. I just used Kiwix and grabbed a copy, it's only about 100gb or so. You can also use it to get offline copies of other stuff, like Project Gutenberg.
All the images I have bookmarked on multiple devices from e621, any game I've been even possibly hesitating on pirating, all my Steam games (I don't trust Inwouldnhe able to get in and install them if I could even get into my account to begin with at that point), and downloading every single song I have saved on yt and Newpipe because I'd never see them again.
A whole slew of things.
If the Internet went away, we'd have a little time before batteries we're not viable even if replaceable, as distributing those batteries would get problematic.
We would have had no time to withdraw cash as cash, an important thing since banks will fall over at least enough to trigger an economic collapse.
No, we're all gonna need to learn how to fight, and live without hospitals and drugs and probably electricity.
We have bigger problems than ensuring we can look up the capital of Rwanda on this cached Wikipedia while we listen to The Cure.
internet =/= electricity.
A copy of scratch then.
Extra RAM.
i already download all my favs from e6 and FA lul
True but he's got a point. If the internet suddenly went away, there are likely bigger problems to deal with.
The Gutenberg Project, as well as those free online classes for things.
Similar to "if the government can't cash your check, we're all fucked"
The amount of data required for that would be immense. From what I’ve been able to find it’s over 200 petabytes.
Definitely entertainment, but beyond that, Networking classes so that I can hack together a intranet for my household and the neighbourhood
DownThemAll, Double Click Image Downloader, Gallery Swallower userscript.
The games you can probably get via sneakernet.
Youtube videos. I used to use youtube-dl exclusively, and then that stopped working, and I've gradually been sucked back into just using the website. But there's a text file with a list of URLs I've been meaning to grab for posterity... and it's getting kinda fat.
yt-dlp still works!
Can't believe I'm the first to say this, but... porn.
Perhaps instead of using youtube-dl or yt-dlp, you may enjoy some client such as freetube more, as it has a lot of the benefits of those tools, but without ads, and with sponsorblock/thumbnail correction, and other nice customizations. It also enables you to create playlists and whatnot.
The arch linux wiki, where you will be instructed to install various dependencies from the AUR
Why doesn't the OS install those for you