The seven programming ur-languages
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Yes, although admittedly I only know it from Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism
Ah, I looked there on Wiktionary, but only
OP just wanted to use "ur-" and got carried away
Amazing. I can give myself 6/7 points - I have not done anything in ML, but I've seen Miranda, and it was a clusterfuck...
And what he completely left out are HDLs like VHDL and Verilog, which are a totally different animal requiring a totally different mindset. And I have seen otherwise seasoned programmers being unable to grasp this area of expertise.
Oh! I assumed it was something to do with the city of Ur, being some sort of analogy for the root of civilisation or something
Where is INTERCAL, the ur-esoteric language?
In college, one of the best courses I took was Programming Languages. It covered a smattering of languages illustrating different approaches and methods. Maybe a week or so on each plus you had to write some code in each.
This article could've been: learn the different paradigms, here are my favorite languages that follow the paradigm. Done.
INTERCAL is an ALGOL descendant. A holistic timeline of esoteric languages shows that esoteric languages don't form a family; however, there are several families not mentioned in the article, notably cellular automata and string/wire diagrams.
Self's descendants are not well-understood in our popular culture. The two most popular (Turing-complete) languages, ECMAScript and Python, are both Self grandchildren, and Java is also a child of Self; yet, the article's author incorrectly believes them to be ALGOL descendants because of surface syntax as well as the Java/ECMAScript focus on performance. Note also that the author doesn't mention E (WP, esolangs), which is akin to Erlang in making message-passing explicit but descends from Self, unlike Erlang which descends from Prolog. (I will give them partial credit for noting that Smalltalk is an ancestor of Java.)
So, the exemplar should be a message-passing everything-is-an-object language designed for JIT with no Prolog influence. The earliest such language in the family tree is Self!
Honest question, do you believe that your anti-ai license has any measurable impact?
Let me rephrase your question: does individual action have impact on the whole?
With that kind of thinking, nobody should do anything ever. No need to vote because your will as a single voter doesn't matter. No need to stop eating meat because most others won't. No need to try to reduce energy consumption because most others won't. No need to boycott a product because most others won't.
So, honest question back: is that really how you want to think?
Smells a bit Scandinavian to me. In Norwegian we also use "ur" that way, including "urspråk" (Ursprache, ur-language). We have a different word for origin (opphav), so ur remains a prefix that's difficult for us to translate.
Going by Wikipedia however, the English translation for Norwegian urspråk and German Ursprache is proto-language.
Using licenses to take a political stance is a valid idea. It’s even worthwhile, if there’s little uptake for it. Signaling opposition even if it’s symbolic only, has some value.
An aggressively scraping AI company could easily ignore it and it would be hard to prove a violation.
Ur is used in German a lot to signify something being ancient or the origin.
Großvater means grandfather. Urgroßvater means great-grandfather.
Ursuppe - Primordial soup
Urknall - Big Bang
Ursprung - Origin
English uses it as a loan word and prefix.
- ur mom lmao
- Uruk-hai
- Urethra
- Urdu language
- Ursa Major
- Ursa Minor
- Uranus