Trump doubles down on annexation threat, says Canada would be ‘cherished state’
I'm not sure any US strategist is willing to face the fallout of open war involving all of Europe. But then again, when has Trump ever cared about his advisors
We are truly living in interesting times
How would a whole country be a single state? Wouldn't it become 13 states (or however many provences/territories Canada has)?
Yup, already had the "flee or stand and die" convo with my partner a few weeks ago. I am firmly willing to risk death to defend the progress we've made as a Province and Nation. We aren't perfect and are early in the process but we're trying to recon with our history of colonial genocide and embrace a truer multiculturalism which the US refuses to even acknowledge. We have made commitments to the health and well-being of all citizens, not just the productive bodies which fuel the markets. It's incomplete but aspirational and walking it back would be a disgrace.
The American democracy is an outdated shambles that has fallen into ruin and I will not be bound by it by choice. There is no freedom or opportunity the USA can offer us. Only more oppression on rights we already have enshrined.
We hope only 4 years
Most of the people I’m around are not rich by any means, but they are not living paycheck to paycheck.
Most Americans are a single paycheck away from being destitute... Like, the average savings for a person in this country is 2K. That's not even a single paycheck of mine, and hell, I even find it hard to make and plans past 8 or 9 months out.
The number of farmers I've heard talking about mixing diesel and fertilizer to remove stumps and boulders...
My brain still thinks 30-35 million so all good, was thinking you might be meaning a dissident number as I was writing anyhow, meshes pretty well with that Angus Reid poll about joining the states.
Fall for it? They're grateful he's made their job insanely easy. They used yo have to investigate things and then risk running afoul of the powerful. Now they just have to print whatever the latest outrageous bullshit comes out of Donald's mouth and reap the clicks and ad dollars.
No no, that would give too many senators to people who understand the value of universal healthcare. Can’t have that.
More flooding the zone. He won't do this. He is just sitting up more media to distract from him pickpocketing the whole country. His real deviousness is the sovereign fund play. He wants to take taxpayer dollars, which he is actively trying to raise for everyone making less than $500k a year, and put it into an investment fund that buys American stocks. Effectively, he wants to take money from 99% of Americans and just give it to the largest corporations. Everything else he is talking about is just distraction from that fact.
The US army is much larger and better equipped than the Canadian army.
What % of the US army would be happy to obey an order to invade Canada. At what level if seniority? What justification could be given to sure up the troops?
Reduced quality of life? Greater danger of being shot in a school? Shorter life expectancy? Lower quality food? And imperial president instead of a democratic one?
I'm not seeing the upsides for Canada.
Nevermind that Canada has more than a few MAGA supporters/fascists in our military, so can't count on 100% support from them.
Giving them more than two senators might lead to a senate that isn't perpetually gridlocked. That makes them dangerously close to being able to pass progressive legislation instead of nothing but mandatory funding bills with 37 pages worth of riders and pork.
Poppies. They'd love for you to have a fe poppies on hand. They earned those the hardest way possible.
The same could be asked about the Vietnam invasion, the First Gulf War, Iraq invasion, Afghanistan invasion... From my perspective none of these had any convincing reason to give to the people, still Vietnam lasted for almost two decades. The occupation of Afghanistan also lasted two decades and there is still US troops in Iraq.
If push comes to shove some bullshit reasons will be made up and i don't trust the US executive to not obey. They are also letting some mid twenties kid fuck up the treasury system to hide payments being made or not made. And this is directly risking their own salaries.
I can imagine we'd end up with a bigger army than the US if Canadian service guaranteed citizenship
Has the US fought anyone even near parity since WWII? Its a big army but it has a hard time defeating guys living in tents and caves without resorting to carpet bombing.
I unapologetically woke up this morning hoping to read that someone took a successful shot at him during the Superbowl.
Put me on whatever list you wish.