Trump doubles down on annexation threat, says Canada would be ‘cherished state’
Reduced quality of life? Greater danger of being shot in a school? Shorter life expectancy? Lower quality food? And imperial president instead of a democratic one?
I'm not seeing the upsides for Canada.
Nevermind that Canada has more than a few MAGA supporters/fascists in our military, so can't count on 100% support from them.
Giving them more than two senators might lead to a senate that isn't perpetually gridlocked. That makes them dangerously close to being able to pass progressive legislation instead of nothing but mandatory funding bills with 37 pages worth of riders and pork.
Poppies. They'd love for you to have a fe poppies on hand. They earned those the hardest way possible.
The same could be asked about the Vietnam invasion, the First Gulf War, Iraq invasion, Afghanistan invasion... From my perspective none of these had any convincing reason to give to the people, still Vietnam lasted for almost two decades. The occupation of Afghanistan also lasted two decades and there is still US troops in Iraq.
If push comes to shove some bullshit reasons will be made up and i don't trust the US executive to not obey. They are also letting some mid twenties kid fuck up the treasury system to hide payments being made or not made. And this is directly risking their own salaries.
I can imagine we'd end up with a bigger army than the US if Canadian service guaranteed citizenship
Has the US fought anyone even near parity since WWII? Its a big army but it has a hard time defeating guys living in tents and caves without resorting to carpet bombing.
I unapologetically woke up this morning hoping to read that someone took a successful shot at him during the Superbowl.
Put me on whatever list you wish.
Why would Canada join the US, only to be rewarded with a shitty health care system and a low national minimum wage?
What do you want them to do? Not report on the most powerful man in the world? They need to report this, people need to see it
Hey, hey, I'm not going to be against you so what do I need to wave to make sure I'm not one of the 10?
Orange Nero is full of bullshit, Canada is not a red run welfare state.
Honestly? I think just not supporting a war (trade or otherwise) with your long time ally will go quite a way. War in a far away land is one thing, war with your neighbour is another thing all together. As long as americans don't just shrug and pretend everything is normal this whole idea will go no where.
On the other hand if it does go in the most stupid direction, prepare for blackouts and attacks on any and all infrastructure. This is not a threat but just a reasonable expectation of a nations activity when in this situation.
At this point I refuse to believe this is real life. We are in a simulation run by shitty AI
Don’t forget the gun violence
It took the USA 26 days to take the capital of Iraq in 2003. The US formally left in 2011. Unless I'm missing something.
Everyone assumes Canada is super liberal country just because of universal healthcare. They forget that Alberta is basically snowy Texas, and the other prairie provinces have more in common with the Midwest than New York.
that feeling is called dissociation btw
Now that's heartening to read.