Trump doubles down on annexation threat, says Canada would be ‘cherished state’
Well the veneer of respectability politics scratched. It's like people getting drunk it's not that alcohol makes violent, or sobby, or anything in particular: It disinhibits (by anaesthetising the frontal lobe before everything else), allowing already-existing but usually under control tendencies to break through.
Not that weird, since we've had similar things happen in Europe in the 1930s. I'm mostly wondering, what's going to be Canada's Stalingrad.
Reminds me a bit of how it was in Germany at the beginning of the Iraq war (2). Plenty of Americans saying we should be bombed back to the stone age for not going to Iraq, while our soldiers were dying in Afghanistan. I remember in all the bulletin boards people would kind of cheer for American losses, hoping secretly or sometimes openly that Iraq would win, and the schoolyard bully would get another bloody nose.
That's the moment large parts of my generation became anti-american.
That's a lot of work, I appreciate it.
The US has been a rogue state for decades. Just that they used to be smart enough to keep some countries in the empire aligned without direct military force.
Post Sept 11, (lots of) flights were grounded for several days.
Holding a country that doesn’t want to be held is very different than winning it, as the US and other countries have repeatedly learned.
And the unpopularity at home would make Vietnam look like nothing.
No, it would be a disaster for the US. A very different one than Ukraine, but maybe even worse.
With life time of insurgency.
Russia wants it. They want our mineral rights in our North. They can get that for pennies if we lose our sovereignty.
They're not even hiding the racism any more.
I'm sure there are remnants of FLQ still hanging about. They could teach the rest of us how to operate an insurgency well.
Agree with you but I'll also throw out- protests do fuck all here. Those in power ignore and then we move on with life. It's just the truth.
Until you threaten their money or lives it won't do shit and plenty of people are happy enough to hold signs and pat themselves on the back saying they made a difference.
He doesn’t treat his own states any good why would Canada fare any better