Trump doubles down on annexation threat, says Canada would be ‘cherished state’
W [email protected] shared this topic
I'm so tired of this shit.
Canada wouldn't be allowed to vote, presuming elections still existed. It's just expansionism at the end of the Republic.
This crazy old poopy pants manchild is serious in that he wants to blackmail people into giving him something for nothing. Thankfully, he's so fucking stupid, and has created a cesspool of asskissers around him who are incentivized to suck up rather than actually DO anything.
Cherished my ass. You've done nothing but disrespect them since you were elected. The only thing you want is their resources so you can hoard a few 100 mil before you kick the bucket in a few years. Which I find completely ridiculous because it's not like you get to take money into the afterlife, if there even is one.
So, is the US going to nationalize it's health care to match Canada's?
What a deservedly scathing review of the US of A.
How about we give our Northeastern and Western states to Canada in exchange for Alberta
He knows he's going to the burning afterlife so he's going to try and pay off the guy in charge.
The US couldn't hold baghdad?
let's just say that canadians will never bitch about paying for parking again.
Yes please. I’d love to say I’m a Canadian resident instead of a United Corporations of America resident. Especially without needing to move more North where it’s colder!
Say shit about Canada, our friends. Stoke anti America shit. Decrease odds of friendly relations.
Might as well.
I seriously doubt the top brass would obey orders to invade Canada. The administration knows this as well and there will be a blitzkrieg of military firing coming very, very soon.
Not sure how that plays though, they can't go too fast without alienating the entire armed services.