Looking for a free speech Lemmy instance
Most instances don't allows spread of misinformation especially about minorities such as trans people. You'd be better off creating your own instance if you want to have 100% control over what you see.
For more information about that topic here's an article about it: https://www.gendergp.com/new-report-confirms-trans-athletes-do-not-have-biomedical-advantage-in-elite-sport/ -
There is no such thing as ‘free speech friendly’. Free speech is not absolute, and is defined / restricted differently across countries. So different instances will have to comply with their different local laws.
Also: an instance allowing comments doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences. For example: you can criticise the Thai royal family all you want on a US based instance, but don’t ever show your face in Thailand after doing that if you value your freedom.
That was the one. Oh well, I'm outta ideas then. The Fediverse in general is a very trans safe community.
Downvotes are free speech.
For example, I hope you wouldn't consider planning how to exterminate Jews allowable free speech. There will always be limits on free speech, the question is where your limits are.
Nobody is stopping people from expressing their views, but we're not obligated to view them, or give them a platform to say them.
So you are a racist. Got it.
The first amendment only applies to the government. Instances are free to do whatever they want.
Freedom of speech means you can say what you want (within reason) and the government can't stop you. It doesn't mean that anyone has to listen.
If you want to engage in what is largely regarded as hate speech, see where trump and musk post, they're pretty good at hating.
No, that xkcd is relevant because that's exactly what free speech means. Your government won't arrest you for saying stuff, but for the same reason you are free to speak, we are free to act within law against you.
And there is no law forbiding people from boycotting or unhosting or simply not listening to what you say.
You are free to speak, we are free to listen.
Literally why?
idHt you dont need a freeze peach instance only a freeze peach community [email protected]