What do you think you're the last of?
i'm not sure i understand the question. if it is meant to ask what experience i've had that no other living person has or ever will experience again, then i'm probably not old enough in my mid 30s to lay any such claim. this doesn't seem likely to be what you mean though, since it should be obvious to you that you aren't the only surviving person who used the internet in the 90s.
my second interpretation of the question would be that you want to know what experience i am the most recent person to have experienced, which would work with your example, if you consider the 'early' internet to have ended and become the regular internet, right after you first got online. for that, a couple hours ago, i walked atop a particular out of the way concrete block wall on my way home. probably nobody has done that since then.
I just can't imagine bragging about being unique for having been middle/upper middle class in the 90s.
Same here! Only child of my adopted parents and only kid my birth parents had together so, I'm ending a couple of lines. I'm the god parent of a few niblings but if (God forbid) they should ever become my responsibility, they're not getting a name change.
I think my wife and I might be one of the last couples to be embarrassed enough about meeting on the Internet to lie about it. When we talk about how we met around our niblings, we always have to explain that "we met on the Internet back when that was something you lied to your friends about"
Niblings. There's a word I've never heard before. I'm guessing it means niece or nephew. I like it.
Yeah, my wife found it somewhere online a while back. Not having kids ourselves, we end up talking about our niblings a lot but we always felt like the phrase "nieces and nephews" was a bit cumbersome in conversion so, it filled a need for us. I keep hearing it from people that have no connection to us so it seems like we're not the only ones who've latched onto in recent years.
Family line. I did want kids for a while, but lacking a willing partner, and seeing the state of the world, that isn't happening.
Posted the same thing and saw your answer. Great minds, eh?
peers very confusedly from fredmail
I'm probably one of the last people who still uses Paint Tool Sai 1 to draw. Every other artist I know who used to use it has since either moved on to Clip Studio Paint, Procreate, or Paint Tool Sai 2 haha.
I am quite possibly the only distribitor of a christian cartoon movie collection in HD with most debate