An Iraqi man who carried out several Quran burnings in Sweden has been killed
I'll get back to you on that. If you like you can contact me via email [email protected].
Then why are people saying what he was doing was illegal for 'inciting hatred'?
Ah, an idiot.
You say it better than me
They're just being an ass about your writing.
Right because your beloved CCP would never censor any books, right? lol
Care to elaborate? You’re just asking a loaded question, but you don’t make any actual argument.
Sure! If someone doesn't want to understand something, then no matter what, they will not understand it.
Care to elaborate? You’re just kind of asking a loaded question, but you don’t make any actual argument.
i thought it would be about run-on sentences, but i can't find one. there should probably be a line break though.
Most people don't live in the 1950s, given its now the 2020s. I get your society hasn't advanced in that time, China has.
Idk man YouTube, TikTok, Meta, doesn’t matter all social media platforms are anyway just feeding on rage bait and I’m pretty sure they have significantly radicalized millions if not hundreds of millions at this point.
To them it doesn’t matter if you’re cheering for ISIS or Hitler or Israel, they just care about more engagement so that some product teams can show some engagement & add KPIs going up during performance review season.
Idk I think some kind of supremacy is accurate here indeed? Some seek white supremacy, other ethnic supremacy, religious supremacy, it’s all the same poison to me.
Got it you’re just trolling
Because you can try someone for a crime if the prosecutor finds a reason to do so.
I don't pretend to know exactly what his indigtment was, but i recon i could ask for the papers since its public. What I do know is that he had to ask permission from the police to have his demonstrations and all except one was granted. The one that wasn't allowed was because of the security issue due to muslim protestors. Don't remember exactly how many allowed demonstrations there was. So i guess the answer is, people don't know what they are talking about when they say what he was doing was "illegal".
Nah, I was referring to June 1989. But the CCP can't even handle it being talked about online much less written about in actual printed books.
Seems like he got what he wanted.
I rest my case.
Well said.
The US' attempt at a color revolution by stealing military weapons and using them to massacre civilians is taught in school, and the many problems that caused some members of the uighur people to visit Afghanistan and come back attempting terrorist actions, as well as the subsequent investment in Xinjiang that has since eliminated the crushing poverty that caused those desperate people to turn to fundamentalist terrorism is also widely and publicly known.
When the US stops thinking their version of reality is correct when they famously run the world's largest and most prolific ministry of truth, then we can talk about censorship. Until then you people are too brainwashed to interact with the majority of the world.
I hope you guys get democracy soon.
Lol. Out of curiousity, do wumao get paid like weekly or is it per comment?