An Iraqi man who carried out several Quran burnings in Sweden has been killed
Is that what he was doing? Or was he protesting what in his own lived experience as a veteran of the war against ISIS was a religion that led to the persecution of his own people (Iraqi Christians)?
This is not an easy case, there are many intersecting threads and it defies easy hot takes.
To find out whether it is a difficult topic, change out the ethnic group being discriminated against.
Lets say a Palestinian flees to Sweden, starts waving around Swastikas and burning Torahs. How do we feel now?
Just because this person was persecuted by a fringe extremist group which the overwhelming majority of Muslims denounce, does not give him the right to start misrepresenting and discriminating an entire group.
"Get to"? "The right to"? What do you think I'm talking about? Oppression credits that can be used to buy a pass for shitty behaviour?
I'm asking for humanity and empathy, in the case of a guy who got fucking shot, by trying to make the case that this isn't some cut and dry of some fascist getting their due, but a complicated and sad story.
Indeed. This person burned books to incite hate.
We can’t say that because we didn’t get the verdict
Lol. Are you unfree just because there's no limit to the offense you can cause before someone hurts you for it? Have you never agreed with the phrase "FAFO" or "talk shit get hit"?
Read it again, dopey.
On social media? Yes.
Replace “religious” with “police” as an example.
Let me help you with that.
It’s predictable because the religious are mentally ill and dangerous
You choose to believe in your stupid religion. You don’t choose to be a race or sexual orientation so you’re making a false equivalency
Calling people stupid isn’t persecuting them.
Inciting hate isn’t a crime. It’s free speech. He’s not persecuting anyone, just protesting against the religious who want to persecute others by banning people from blasphemy.
If I could I’d have ever parebt who takes a kid to a religious service arrested for child abuse. That’s persecution.
Very brave sentiment, and I applaud you for it!
Guess he didn't read the crowd.
killed? someone who's runover by a train is killed, the guy in this article was murdered for someone else's invisible friend.
it's murder.
The guy was actively inciting misplaced hate.
It is not free speech. He is protesting to persecute an entire religious group who had nothing to do with his persecution.
Anyone who thinks ISIS represents Muslims needs to stay off the 24/7 news cycle.
this is some weird fediverse scam bot?
Would seem so, sent me a DM to day follow me on Friendica and PeerTube. Day old account, maybe trying to do the same thing Facebook did with the AI profiles.
Yes I’m quite confused. Got the same dm…