An Iraqi man who carried out several Quran burnings in Sweden has been killed
If a group of people collectively is outraged enough to kill over a certain value system, they should be mocked, ridiculed, and ostracized for that belief. In the united states we have radicals that will kill over abortion. They are mocked and ridiculed. If Muslims get offended, they should be mocked and ridiculed for being soft.
Burning a book is not a "lesser crime." It is speech. If you are offended, how about you put your big boy pants on and act like a man and get over it.
Im against hate speech but it should not be criminalized. Violent speech can be. "This person should be killed" then a overt act made towards violence should be criminal.
But if Muslims get so upset about a book buring and kill, then Muslims are in the wrong and need to realize this is the real world and people don't bow down to babies that cry about offense.
Then we imported the religious issue.
Wouldn't it make sense for Swedes to go after the people who try to kill someone for burning a book instead of making book burning illegal?
Are they really that weak and spineless?
The fuck? He should be allowed to burn whatever book he wants in protest, regardless of who it pisses off.
If anything, the only concern the state should have over this is for the environment.
Christian militia group -- supplied by Iran?
How much kool-aid have you been drinking? No, Iran, the violently islamic theocracy does not support Christian groups. Unless it is for undermining their religious opponents, such as sunni Muslims. There is a common theme about religious wars.
I think it's smart to be burning books as an act of protest.
People need to be able to exercise their rights, or else their rights will be taken away.
Run on and on and on.
Congrats, you just let the terrorists win.
Now people aren't allowed to do things that upset them
Idk man, you'd have a point if Iran didn't systematically execute teenage girls for not wearing a headdress...
You do know that there is 2 billion Muslims in the world?
So for the act of unknown assailants you think 2 billion people should be "mocked, ridiculed, and ostracized"
By your own example, because some women who got abortions have committed crimes in their life and many women rights advocates get offended by insults towards women seeking abortions, you would want to "mocked, ridiculed, and ostracized" them all too.
There is anti fascists who got so outraged by fascists that they have killed them too. So you must hate all anti fascists too.
By your own logic you just justify hating everyone in the world, because in every group of people you will find someone who you find reprehensible, which you then apply to the entire group.
This has nothing to do with free speech. It is just hating everyone, and how much you hate certain people is likely based on prejudice, not on actual actions of these people.
That's because you don't want to understand it.
Willful ignorance is a powerful force.
Chill there baby.
There is a murder investigation. So yes they are. Unless you're one of the troglodytes that wants to grab a pitchfork; i much prefer to let the police do their job.
Just because your American police is a joke, doesn't mean ours is.
You can burn as many books as you want, thats not why salsan was under investigation.
If this was a Swedish-born guy, I would jump on the bandwagon of calling him an asshole.
But this guy was an Iraqi. I cannot outright condemn someone who gets so tired of the shit of the majority of their own country that ends up overreacting the moment they find themselves somewhere where they can express themselves freely.
Like, turban knocking in a Western city is (rightly) a hate crime. Turban knocking in Tehran? That's fucking righteous.
Middle eastern Christians, atheists, etc very often end up being "wrong" wherever they find themselves. Wrong in their home countries for being the kuffar Other, wrong in the West as "islamophobes" when they speak out about their othering.
Just because your American police is a joke, doesn’t mean ours is.
I have literally zero fear of burning any book in the US.
Unlike in france and sweden...
I'm also referring to the apparent laws Sweden has against book burning.