'Everything I Say Leaks,' Zuckerberg Says in Leaked Meeting Audio
Very good practices and yeah password manager is a must!
I do also have a throwaway email and I really appreciate people posting news to lemmy, don't get me wrong, but making an account to every news site appearing on lemmy and logging in everytime (because of clearing browser cookies / sessions) is a bit tedious.
Not saying this needs to change (it is my laziness in the end) and again, really appreciate people posting on lemmy. Just wanted to comment out my frustrations about the loginwall.
I create new emails on the fly with 33mail.com, using the website's domain as in lemmy@<my username>.33mail.com
That's gotta be the the riskiest of clicks I've ever done.
Now that’s a properly meta headline. Are you sure this wasn’t written by The Onion?
It looks like some of the spray tan rubbed off on him while he was sucking off tRumpy.
Maybe he should consider being under constant surveillance, so we can ensure his best behavior
More like Cuckerberg
Thanks for that link! I love that they put a whole article up explaining why. Quite transparent.
Maybe these billionaires should be required to actually raise their own children for a few years. Anyone who has knows that you can't make a person care about something just by telling them it is important. They have to want to care about it on thier own. With how he treats his employees, they have no real reason to care about what's important to him.
Zuck is old... I hope he takes on special DNA based facial treatments and gets cancer of the face instead. Lots of billionaires are doing it! Like besos wife, she's got a mouth big enough to park a Tesla truck into.
Thank god voyager previews image links.
I use Proton's SimpleLogin which is very handy for things like this. I used to use DuckDuckGo's Email Protection which is free. SimpleLogin is however more powerful imo.
Both services allow you to just create a new email address whenever you need one and it forwards to your real one.
Unless you're on Voyager, in which case the image is already displayed before you click!
Why would this be nottheonion?
If meetings being leaked became so much of a problem that he would talk about it in a meeting, it wouldnt be unlikely that that meeting got leaked too
leaks happen to Nazi piss boys. get used to it.
For what it's worth after I gave them my email, either they didn't send me anything, or they did but they honored my unsubscribe request, and I can read all the articles.
Yeah, not quite what I wanted to get across. Leopardsatemyface might be more suitable!