This is very disappointing.
This is just...not accurate.
He also used the word "triggered" in the Reddit comments in the way right wingers are wont to do, and then tried to play the "I'm not American, I don't understand how that word looks to you" card. Never mind that plenty of non-Americans know perfectly well how that looks.
No, it's far more likely he picked up that word and knew exactly how it was used because he's been hanging out in far right spaces.
The reddit account has a username with the number 88 in binary, which led some to speculate its a nazi (88 = HH = Heil H*tler) dogwhistle, to which Andy Yen says its his year of birth 1988. Kinda weird, but he could just be that clueless, who knows
I mean this part I give him a pass on. It was right for people reading him to raise an eyebrow, because political signalling like that does happen, especially in a context where he's making comments like he made. But in this case it was just a nothingburger.
It doesn't make his "wasn't intended to be a political comment" excuse any less gibberish though.
Yeah. They can't get Mastodon moderators to suppress negative publicity like they can on Reddit and other platforms.
They haven't left bluesky but they got backlash there too and have stopped being active for the past couple of weeks compared to on Twitter.
And considering a lot of people on the internet make comments without being fully informed, the backlash is probably huge.
Hate is spreading a lot quicker than the truth.
However, the original Twitter post and their doubling down are just stupid responses and they shouldn’t have made them.
The whole 88 thing is not generally know except probably in Germany and the US.
He is an idiot yes, but the internet is also making it seem like if you agree with one statement you agree with all statements of that person/party which is just wrong.
Always use your own domain on Proton and others. The laws in Germany aren’t as friendly as the one in Swiss so that can be causing issues as well.
if they cant suppress on reddit, they will go to facebook, which give them ability to do alot more.
as a european I have no idea what tertiary meaning does "triggered" have
Never heard the 88 thing till now. Not everyone is tied to what shit bags are doing all the time.
Its a really old one. Neo nazis have ysed it for multiple generations now
Like the "14 words"