what’s the weirdest word in your language?
Fustigate and discombobulate are a couple of my faves.
In English, it has to be any of the Contronyms. We have so many, and it really makes it hard for newer speakers to understand some things.
You dust a cake by added powder, you dust a table by removing powder.
You seed a field by adding seeds, you seed a fruit by removing the seeds. -
am seltsamsten
This question has me bumfuzzled..
Cleave is my personal favorite
The word 'weird' is pretty weird.
It's not weird, and it's not my first language, but "equivocado" is one of the funnest words to say in the world.
Seeded is, indeed, the most worthless of adjectives.
Flammable, Imflammble, and Inflammable.
i always think of avocados when i see it
Moist, I just can't stand it.
My poppy seed bagel has entered the chat...
Those burn me up!
Ooops, time for my meds..
Almost as good as Greater Cleave
I like fannybaws.
(Vagina testicles)
Noun: That moist substance between your ass cheecks on a hot and humidity day when you haven't showered for too long.
Mr. Speers you here?
"imflammable" is not a word.
It has a weird & witchy history.