what’s the weirdest word in your language?
It's not weird, and it's not my first language, but "equivocado" is one of the funnest words to say in the world.
Seeded is, indeed, the most worthless of adjectives.
Flammable, Imflammble, and Inflammable.
i always think of avocados when i see it
Moist, I just can't stand it.
My poppy seed bagel has entered the chat...
Those burn me up!
Ooops, time for my meds..
Almost as good as Greater Cleave
I like fannybaws.
(Vagina testicles)
Noun: That moist substance between your ass cheecks on a hot and humidity day when you haven't showered for too long.
Mr. Speers you here?
"imflammable" is not a word.
It has a weird & witchy history.
'Zuignapje' -> a little suction cup to attach things to windows.
Hey, using any Dutch word is cheating!
I like the idea that Shakespeare was looking for some uncommon word and remembered hearing 'weird' and running with it.
what language is that? that’s so interesting that there’s some very specific words out there that can’t be explained in other languages.
Norwegian. Middle-north dialects to be specific
We can tie words together like you guys, but our consonant/vowel interaction is better