How do you approach a group of people with romantic intent for only one?
If there's a group of two and one is of interest then you should approach a bouncer and have the person of no interest removed.
Let's say I walk straight up to them and say "I saw you and you sparked my interest, and I'd like to get to know you better."
Except that's not what we're talking about, this piece of advice specifically advises that you hide your intentions.
OK, well what comes next? How do you get to know someone (total stranger) better? It's going to involve talking about random stuff until (hopefully) you both end up feeling comfortable with each other.
I don't know about you but I don't talk about "random stuff", I talk about things that are important to me and that I actually want to talk about, because that will actually tell me if i feel comfortable with someone and I want to get to know them better.
The other thing is about that first part ("I saw you/wanna get to know you") is heavily implied by you walking over and saying hello.
Actually it's not, because in the situation we're actually talking about you're approaching a group of people and pretending to be interested in what they're talking about until you get "an in" with the person you're actually interested in. That's lying.
You see it as lying. Most people do not. What you are interested in may seem "random" to the other person and vice versa. You have to start somewhere in order to find that common interest. As the main comment said, you can look for clues like maybe they're wearing the T-shirt of a band you also like. I agree that you should not be pretending or feigning interest. You should be trying to genuinely find areas of common interest.
I do not claim to know what "most people" think and I don't believe that you have that knowledge either. If you would like to challenge that belief please come with receipts this time, instead of making broad generalizing statements that may seem true to you, when clearly you are biased (not that I'm not, but that's why I'm not saying shit about what "most people" think).
I agree that you should not be pretending or feigning interest. You should be trying to genuinely find areas of common interest.
How is that at all compatible with the original advice given, which in your own words is the "absolute basics" of approaching and talking to strangers? This is bad advice in my mind and you haven't said anything to the contrary that is convincing.
OK. You are coming off as someone who wants to argue. Let's forget we ever encountered one another.
What if they break the furniture, and furnish more weapons to take down their sole oppressor? Does the insurance cover that?
I never said anything about romance. Read it again.
Talk to all of them but at some point start to focus more attention on the one you like. Bonus points if you show interest based on something they said, not just how they look. Find a common interest or something.
Read the title of the post
This is the way.
If something is broadly applicable doesn't that mean it can apply to several specific situations?