Web-based Document Editor?
I’m not a huge fan of Google as a company, but Google Docs seems to be the first and only one that actually put some new thought into how to organize their toolbar, so that’s my go-to.
Moving this to a top-level comment.
Overleaf is fantastic, as long as you are okay with non-WYSIWYG document editing and learning some LaTeX.
Typst is also worth looking at, as a similar concept. It uses a very different language than LaTeX, but feels more in touch with modern sensibilities.
I use Collabora CODE, which is an online version of LibreOffice. I don't know a ton about the technical details, but I'm pretty sure it does server side rendering.
i don't know much about custom fonts, but there are two main options for self-hosted "word" replacements:
- Collabora CODE - LibreOffice wrapped up as a web application
- OnlyOffice
I use Collabora with Nextcloud (hence the link).
Usually you just see LibreOffice and nothing else, so it’s fine, I guess. Not a web-based editor, but usable.
My AIO is very fast on mid hardware
This is like that other recommendation of a linuxserver/kasmvnc docker image as well. It doesn't allow for collaborative editing like cryptpad or google docs does.
it's definitively fast on my installation. Might I suggest looking at the log level and making sure it's not set to INFO or DEBUG? That's what was holding my instance back.
A few releases ago they made massive improvements in Speed. I use NC since the Split from OwnCloud and that performance Upgrade recently was truly impressive.
you could have a look at etherpad. seems pretty cool and is extensible with plugins. i don't know about resource consumption and security aspects, tho, because i don't personally use it.
you can set up collabora without nextcloud, as well
I find them okay, but I am much more concerned with consistent fonts than with a variety of decorative fonts.
The defaults fonts feel very old-fashioned though.
Mine is okay, but maybe I just have high standards. I'm using redis and postgresql, so I'm probably about as optimized as I can be. Page loads in like 2-3s, but I wish it was faster.
If there was an alternative to Nextcloud that could replace Google Docs and wasn't written in PHP, I'd switch. I don't need much, I just want to access documents and spreadsheets in the browser.
But Nextcloud is good enough.
Is this shitty AI? This comment makes no sense. If not AI, maybe some key words got mixed up?