An unknown illness kills over 50 people in part of Congo with hours between symptoms and death
"Idiot" was once a medical term for severely mentally disabled people, along with imbecile and moron for less severely mentally disabled. Those terms were used to insult people and eventually became pejorative. The term "Retarded" was introduced to avoid the insult associated with "Idiot". Now "retarded" is insulting and has been replaced by "developmentally disabled" or "special" or other such nonsense.
LOL, that you think loyalists are better than educated people who can tolerate hearing philosophies they don't agree with and then being able to CONSENT once they understand, or dissent if they don't agree
You think education is angering because it's hard for you to learn
And you think mindless agreement in a cult setting is my DESIRED outcome for working with others
Fascists, man
Literally society regressing in front of our eyes.
Put the computer down and go outside.
You're hurting yourself by being on here.
You're the one implying that their culture is eating known high-risk disease vectors, you are the racist here bub, same as those rightoid loons who think Asians don't use antibiotics and only "traditional medicine".
Are you an idiot? If cows had a high risk of novel zoonotic pandemic diseases coming out of them after a worldwide pandemic then of course I wouldn't eat them you fucking imbecile, and stop implying that these people are too retarded to understand this just because of their skin colour.
On your behalf? It's just ignorance and lack of curiosity. You don't think about the world, hence you do not know.
Funny you would say that.
Heard of bird flu?
The only person implying anything negative about people eating bat here is you. Maybe you should go back and reread this whole conversation, it might make your realize how bad you look.
You're the one saying "why not eat something nice and normal".
So get off your high horse, from the get go you've been the one acting like these people aren't intelligent enough to eat like normally.
I’m not sure if this is satire or not lol.
If not:
If so, haha pp funny
Yeah, just a dumb PP joke, sorry.
lol no need to apologize, like I said, pp funny
From how our Oligarchs have been speaking about the rest of us for quite some time, I'm thinking they want more plagues to get rid of us pesky useless eaters. Hence the destruction of our public health establishment.
Because of the physiological and energetic demands of flight, bats are tolerant of a wide range of viruses.
Yeah, these kids could have been bat-snacking for quite some time before they came down with any symptoms. Or they'd eaten bats without problems before they lost "bat roulette" and ate one with this particular disease.
Of course. Do you eat bats too? FWIW, when I was in federal service overseeing biotechnolgical modifications of animals, I and my reports were discussing some permit requests that came to us in conjunction with our duties. One of the permits requests included an animal that was unknown to us at the time. When the critter was mentioned, I and one of my reports (both of us are of an ethnicity stereotypically known to have wide-ranging culinary tastes) turned to each other and wondered aloud, "I wonder if they are good to eat?".
Well, for starters, most are pretty small and there'd not be much meat on them anyway. It would be a lot like eating mice, but with more bones.
In reply to this, I give you Andouillette.
I would bet these kids were just as likely, if not more so, to have been infected by handling the bat as having eaten cooked bat.
Shouldn't be eating penguins either. But for different reasons.