'Meta Torrented over 81 TB of Data Through Anna's Archive, Despite Few Seeders' * TorrentFreak
Don't give me that slop. No one except the biggest names are getting a dime out it once OpenAI buys up all the data and kills off their competition. It's also highly transformative, which is perfectly legal.
Copyright laws have been turned into a joke, only protecting big money and their interests.
It’s a popular search engine that works with shadow libraries like Sci-Hub or Library Genesis. Shadow libraries are hosts to copies of works of literature and science. Their legal status is murky at best but it’s incredibly impractical to persecute those accessing them.
They'll be fined 100k
As a socialist I believe intellectual property is a falsehood and technological advancement should be for the public good. Open source LLMs are for the public good.
Given the options between having open source LLMs and the US Govt banning non-corpo non-proprietary LLMs and giving a free pass to people like Musk and Altman and Zucc to monopolize, I happily pick the former.
So it’s like thepiratebay or 1337x.to but for books?
Also I think you mean prosecuting, not persecuting.
Those are torrents, Annas Archive is typically used for direct downloads.
Thanks. It’s confusing because everyone is talking about torrents. It’s in the title even, but I didn’t read the article.
And they'll ham up how punished and sorry they are, and how thankful they are for the judge handing down "fair and impartial" justice.
Well i think you can also torrent off of there too. There are massive backup files on their home page that they are basically begging people to download and seed... So maybe it's that?
Lieber Genosse, der Hype um Affirming Incompetence (AI) ist der dieser Zeit die höchste Ausdruck der Entfremdung der Menschen von sich selbst, Zeugnis des Begehrens nach und Voraussetzung also der weitergehenden Fetischisierung seines Zugriffs auf Welt. Wie jedoch Bernard Stiegler so schön bemerkte: Kein Savoir-vivre ohne Savoir-faire! Dies seien die unabdingbaren Bedingungen für die Befreiung der Menschheit aus den sich selbst angelegten Ketten zur Errichtung einer geschwisterlichen Ordnung!
(now have fun w/ an LLM's attempt of "advancement"!)
I agree. Still doesn't hurt to bring it up on appropriate tangents.
Calling property labor, doesn't make you a socialist.
TPB and 1337x are torrents, whereas Anna’s Archive typically uses direct downloads. So it’s more akin to the old CoolROMs back before the massive takedown purges.
In all fairness, meta should be assessed a fee of 250k per EACH pirated work.
This would amount to forfeiting all assets to doge.
Facebook: I’ll just
torrent what I needburden your underfunded project and volunteers with over 81 TB of bandwidth costs without contributing anything in return, see yaaFTFY
Nope. Get fucked
If someone was to acquire a few hundred gigs of books and feed them to something like paperless-ngx, would it work as a sort of google of books? Are there any software projects better suited for doing thisand understand synonyms and perhaps some context? I guess AI search but guided for the intermediate user.
Google is so bad lately. Basically every result is official sponsored corporate biased BS. It would be nice to be able to instantly query a bunch of ebooks.
If the existence of open source LLMs hinges on the benevolence of one of the few most cancerous tech companies in the world, maybe they're not really worth it?
This isn't about "heroes" and "villains". Facebook has been and has stayed the "villain", they've done something colossally illegal that any mere mortal would be sued to death for (by an another "villainous" instance, the media system that has made piracy a necessity in the first place), and they're hoping to get away with it simply on technicalities and by having more money for better lawyers. Rules are rules, if you don't like them maybe Facebook should try to change them (and not just for themselves, but for the rest of us too)?
Where is the source content then
Rules for thee, not for me