Italy calls for 'immediate' summit between US, Europe following Zelensky-Trump clash
At that time the concept of Italy didn't exist
it barely exists now.
Yes, I am aware. Despite the cruelty (especially in Eritrea) it was a parody of a colonial power, and I wouldn't call it an empire.
It's Giorgia
And she is a mother [cit.]
Meloni warned that Western division "makes us all weaker"
No shit, that is literally the reason Trump is being divisive
What's the conversion to nuYen, chummer?
(My first and formative experience with cyberpunk is actually Shadowrun 2nd Edition)
This is coming down the pipe I can see it now. All transactions will also be settled in dogecoin.
Too late Meloni, the train from Washington DC already arrived in fucking Moscow. The EU needs to decide without the AmeriKans.
Trump to Meloni: "You're not holding any cards and I'm seeing unlimited f$#&ing breadsticks on my new golf course, Meloni. MAKE THE DEAL MELONI. I'M SUCH A GREAT DEAL MAKING GUY."
--Future headline
And then their server center burns down from the enormous influx of traffic, Musk pockets the money, and the entire world sweeps into something worse than the Depression because a good chunk of the entire world economy simply doesn't exist now.
Thank you, I’m aware they’re fascists but it seems I was a bit misinformed about their stance on Ukraine and Russia.
His kiddies had write address in the treasury.
I picture the economy able to leave to Russia on any second Friday.
It was a fair shout, if anything because it is (for obvious reasons) a fairly unknown part of history.
I remember my grandma telling me stories of vacationing in Tripoli when she was a kid, and her brother playing football (in the national team, according to her, will never know).Ironically the idea of "protectorate" is still somewhat alive, which is funny because in another thread in this post I am discussing about how Italian fascism does have ideas (vs being opportunistic).
Wait what. Everything I've heard from Meloni has been excellent so far. She seems to genuinely hate Orban and Putin.
I am not Italian, rather swedish, but what I have seen from Meloni in reality is that she has taken a very firm stance against Putin and his war on Ukraine and has given huge amounts of military equipment (scroll down to Italy to see what military equipment they have given) and and money to Ukraine. Meloni has never stood in the way of political decisions to support Ukraine or sanctions against Russia to my knowledge, rather has been at the forefront of implementing them and has continuously condemned Putin and Russia's agression. Exactly in what way is Meloni a puppet of Putin?
Hard pass. He would just use the opportunity to rant at our diplomats like he did with Zelenskyy. We wouldn't want to sign any deals with a criminally insane dictator anyway.
The bond is broken, the ship has sailed. Time for us to pursue a Europe First strategy. Post haste, preferably.
And it's not just investments into military hardware we need to make but also pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, etc. We need to become independent as soon as possible.
The groundwork is there. We can do it if we really want. MEGA will beat MAGA, and screw Trump and his puppet master.
This person got elected campaigning against EU and is now captaining a EU summit. They campaigned against surrogacy and electric cars and are in bed with elon musk contracting him military infrastructures.
Salvini is opportunistic. He is a fascist when is useful, he is a politics whore, will change in a blink of an eye. Meloni is not.
The current government is a coalition between meloni, salvini and berlusconi party.