Go to wikihow and press on "random article". That is what you die doing. How do you die?
An exceedingly dangerous activity indeed.
Apparently "Doing One-Armed Pushups like a Pro"
So, focused physical exertion.
That's so damn funny!!!!
Should've seen this coming
I guess that's pretty close
It's OP hitting on me
“maybe I shouldn't have texted that reaction to his apple emoji, but it felt right in that moment"
Random excerpt from the late Throbbing_Banjo discography.
how to: make hot chocolate with powdered cocoa.
Uh oh.
"How to dispose of mercury"
Huh, that's actually more realistic than I thought
"Died unblocking my sacral Chakra."
Walking a Guinea pig… they must be absolutely ferocious little things…
How to measure your pants
Died eating sea urchins... Yeah that kind of tracks actually.
Balancing a Motorcycle Tire. Seems reasonable.