How can I Legally Mess with ICE?
Burners for all the things, my bad.
Pass out red cards to inform individuals.
So I was about to recommend the ACLU mobile justice app but I went to check if it was still working and it seems to be down. Reviews suggest it's been offline for a while. So if anyone reading this had also downloaded it and was assuming it would be there for you, maybe double check that.on your device.
I'm sure they did. These are the kind of cops that say, "you aren't from around here," and ICE.
Because it needs to be said and hasn't yet- you're a good person. The United States needs more people like you.
I guess I got here too late, but in a case like this perhaps the most helpful thing you can do is call ahead and warn everyone "the migra are coming, the migra are coming!" like some kind of modern Paul Revere. That way, the legal citizens can be ready to stall and be unhelpful while anyone with reason to fear can scatter. And if someone is legal but brown they can grab the papers that prove they're not supposed to be scooped up as well.
Good point, no it won't. You're probably better off with a live-stream and remote recording for that. I wouldn't trust a commercial app run on a public cloud service to protect your videos.