How can I Legally Mess with ICE?
Good point, no it won't. You're probably better off with a live-stream and remote recording for that. I wouldn't trust a commercial app run on a public cloud service to protect your videos.
Something you may want to consider is a cell signal booster, cell phones are a bit limited in the size of antenna and how much power they can transmit at because everything has to fit in a neat little rectangle.
But you can get a device to hook up to your car that will retransmit your signal at a higher power. With that you "might* be able to get a signal further out than you normally would.
It would be useful for stuff like this of course but probably also just in general if you're in an area with spotty service.
I don't have any particular brand recommendations or anything like that, I think WeBoost caught my eye as a pretty decent-looking option at first glance but I don't know if they're actually any good. They're mostly a product I'm aware exists and I intend to look into more when I have some spare time and money because I camp and hike in areas with spotty reception a lot, but it's pretty far down my to-do list, so you're on your own for research right now.
It's a real shame when that happens. It'd be terribly unfortunate if they accidentally dropped a few rolls of barbed wire that they were transporting, and they sprang open and got tangled all over the road and verge.
I wasn't quick enough.
Fair point, so maybe take a view on whether they've turned up with heavy machinery or just kidnap cars. In the OP's case they don't have time to prep, so they're going to have to play things as they are. If you're in a situation like this and do have time, you could find better ways to be able to blockade the road as needed. The blockage doesn't need to last very long, even delaying their entry by minutes might give more people time to escape. Blocking their way out slows this operation and the next one. Once people know they're in the area they lose the element of surprise.
It's the nursery near the Google GPS info I provided. I think they're complacent. They're fucking gone.
I think the plan is replace immigrants with American workers. Let them LIVE.
Moon Nurseries but I think they turned them in.
The farms that turned them in.
They lied about obstruction a lot. That's what I wasn't hoping for.i think I'm done.
If they've got the machinery to tow your machinery then definitely don't risk it. At this point you can do more good if you're out of gaol and not destitute. Mind you, if you can get ner their vehicles unnoticed, a squirt of milk in the vent air intakes could provide delayed revenge when it goes off.
Fuck this is depressing... So the farm owners themselves sold out their own employees?
Good job, now they can't be exploited for AOC to have her cheap veggies.
Go ask them how they are doing. Make small talk. They clearly hate other people