German election live: Centre-right CDU and CSU parties win, say exit polls Far-right Alternative for Germany records best result with close to 20 per cent of the vote
One part is addressing the problem, another part is addressing the lies that have exaggerated the problem. Both are important.
Yes, they've been lied to about the reason for their lives are hard and the problems they have. However they won't accept that they have been lied to through if all you do is tell them. Words won't do it. Actions are necessary to demonstrate they are wrong.
I keep saying, you guys only strengthen the other side when you try to control what people are allowed to say and even think.
Focus on up vs. down, not left vs. right. We're being distracted by cultural issues while the ruling class fucks us with fiscal ones.
Every single person who focuses on the culture war over the class war is playing right into the hands of our rulers.
you guys only strengthen the other side when you try to control what people are allowed to say and even think.
Somebody fell for right wing propaganda.
Not really.
This will be a stable, centrist, boring government, typically German. Too little progress, but no catastrophe
And this will be the problem and drive even more people to the AfD. If nothing ever changes, people want to look for something else. For an alternative. And on the surface some points of AfD sound appealing, and if you aren't a foreigner, you can "turn a blind eye" on the nazi stuff. With a Groko and standstill for 4 more years, I'm afraid that next time we won't be so lucky and AfD will actually be the strongest party.
It is very ironic because for the first time after 16 years things did change but somehow the government was still blamed and bashed. Let alone that the biggest problem was not SPD and Greens but that the minister of finance was only focused on politics for the minister of finance. I'm happy this fuckwit finally resigned, but we could have had a great minority government that would have actually enabled change if he had just decided to do this earlier. Instead, thank you Christian, you've driven the whole country down a path where we are supposed to be happy that a conservative party who fucked the country for 16 years is the strongest power yet again and that "they promised" to not form a coalition with AfD. DeMoCRaCy wOn.
Left vs right is literally down vs up
No, it's not. I'm sorry if you're delusional enough to think otherwise.
Yeah, leftist politics will drive more people to the AfD, conservative politics will drive more people to the AfD, ignoring the AfD will drive more people to the AfD, giving them too much air time will drive more people to the AfD, yadayadayada....
This was the election with the highest voter turnout in 40 years and the AfD got 20%.
The same 20% who have consistently given far-right and anti-semitic answers in opinion polls and political studies all throughout the recent history of the Bundesrepublik.
There were always 20% Nazis here, they just didn't vote in past elections, or they voted CDU/CSU.
Our political system can deal with those 20%, whether they have their own party or not. That's exactly what the German constitution was designed to do right from the start. -
Boring and little progress IS a catastrophe.
20% Nazis? Are you out of your mind? Every fifth person?
If you ask questions like, "Is the life of an immigrant worth as much as that of a German?" or "Do the Jews have too much power?", then yes, 20% will consistently hold nazi beliefs.
You may have had a point if Bernie won a nomination
in Germany???
Where did you get that from? You can't just quote without providing a source.
In their defense, the AfD did indeed get over 20% of the votes, and won almost every single district in former East Germany.
AFD said they'll win it all next time, and if people continue consuming Russian/Elon shitposting and rotting their brain, they probably will
I think France is more likely to turn Fascist.
Okay, well the US “left” and “right” may not be up to the usual standards, but it quite literally is up and down elsewhere and in premise.
if you, as a voter, can't identity the Nazi as a "down" we're already too far gone for civil discourse.
the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
Germany can only support genocide for so long without going full fash... much like USA.