‘America is going down’: China can capitalise on damage caused by Trump, former PLA colonel says
There might be one party looking from the outside, but on the inside there are many currents, and as soon as there's a power vacuum, those currents will infight to gain power.
China have been running rings around America for the past 30 years.
vows to tariff war against China
tariffs Canada, Mexico, and Taiwan upon entering officeCan't tell if successful Russian/Chinese operation, or Trump is just mega stupid lol.
Yup. and the classic paradox of authoritarian systems is that if you name and train your successor, they'll sideline (I mean kill/imprison etc) you before your time is over, and if you make sure there's no clear successor, power vacuum is guaranteed.
I think both.
I’m not convinced that shrinking population is at all an issue for a developed country that can replace workers with technology.
OK, so why do other developed countries panic about shrinking and aging populations? Developed countries "solved" this issue by outsourcing low-skilled manual labor to China. But a population tree isn't only about manufacturing, it's also about caring for an aging population. Our growth-based economic systems are quite vulnerable to this.
China is already one if the most automated countries in the world and currently running the biggest infrastructure investments ever.
There's no precedence for infrastructure investments to resolve loss of workers on the scale that China is facing. Infrastructure also needs to be maintained by people. There's also an unprecedented potential for a real-estate crisis, considering the devaluation of housing if more and more becomes uninhabited.
I think if anyone can handle population reduction it’s probably China.
Sure, they just have to achieve like 2-3 unprecedented things that also come with unprecedented consequences, etc. These responses feel like being dismissive for sake of being dismissive. My point remains: the Western powers (and russia) are dealing with precedented, or at least predicted issues, many accelerated by aging despots. China has been winning putin's war, so time serves their purposes etc, but their hegemony isn't guaranteed either.
Nah I think it can be reduced to efficiency loss but if you replace that loss with gains through technology you can maintain the system and I think we can definitely see that. Contemporary Chinese is much more productive than what was 50 years ago and 2050? China with its current technology progression is looking very good in that regard.
Got it, The Murderous Cocksucker Winnie the Pooh. Did that clarify what jndividual I was referring to?
I blame Nixon for this one. Opening and normalizing relations with a communist country under a time when America was at an ideological war with the communists was dumb at best and treasonous at worst, at least in my opinion.
He's probably absolutely flabbergasted that his investment is paying off far better than he could have ever forseen.
As a person? Yes
As a politician? Arguably no since he's not the one making decisions. Hes so very clearly nothing but a figure head. His boss in Russia, the heritage foundation and their billionaire backers are commanding him. The fuckin guy was told to shut up by a child, in the white house while Elon was behind the desk answering questions. I think part of the game plan is to make America look as dumb/inept as possible and it is working beautifully. -
Yeah this communism thing sounds terrible. Lets find something that concentrates wealth into the hands of the few, like a monarchy or something...
It's easier to do damage from the inside by manipulating stupid people, I guess.
Trump’s chaos is China’s gain; Taiwan’s trust in the U.S. hangs by a thread. The article provides substantial insight into shifting power dynamics but might overstate their immediacy.
I think the benchmarks are Japan and South Korea, and their example suggest otherwise. Again, I do think it’s absolutely possible for China to overcome these challenges, but it’s not a given. Truth be told still more likely than the US fixing its fascist problem.
Wdym their example suggests otherwise? Both Japan and SK are doing well other than old people being lonely but that's a given everywhere these days.
Okkay, thanks for confirming that this is a pointless conversation.
Still, can China be a "better" block than the US? They're trying to emulate the US without the rule of law, democracy and alliances...if the US ends up without rule of law, democracy or alliances...how does China become the better option? They just become equally shitty.
Take care
For those that are interested, according to Steve Bannon on his podcast today, Trump's plan is to peel Russia away from China and surround them. This is why he apparently all too happy to throw Ukraine into the dirt. According to that very podcast, Trump deserves at third term because a statesman like Donald comes around once a century of your lucky.
I guessed I'm putting that out there, because it's the only thing that gives any sort of logic to the Ukraine issue.
In that vein though, who shares the most values with Russia, Xi or Trump to build an alliance on?
Mark my words, if there is a capitulation in Ukraine, there will be 3 years to rebuild and a simultaneous invasion on both sides of Eurasia