If you could rearrange the days in a week, what would your ideal month look like.
This also avoids every month from having a Friday the 13th
Every day is a Tuesday the 6th. I'm pretty sure it'd summon Beelzebub.
An easy answer as it is not for a mortal to decide which gods are deserving, rather the gods must decide by whomever survives.
Happy Day of Thor to you this fine afternoon!
Every year is one day. One very long day.
Can that 1 extra day be election day, and can it be protected? --Love and a very for help from the USA
That would be a nightmare for tattoo shops.
(For those that don't know, many tattoo shops have Friday 13th deals with specific flash you can get for multiples of $13 depending on complexity. The quality ones have new cute Friday 13th flash a couple of times a year and lines around the block.)
It just feels weird that some start it from the middle of the weekend
I'd swap tuesday and thursday, and sunday and saturday. SMTWTWFS
only S and S
Maybe go with an 8 day week. 5 work days and 3 weekend days.
45 weeks in a year with 5 days for global holidays per year (with another one every leap year).
No months, just weeks.