Democrat teams up with movie industry to propose website-blocking law
Whoever wrote this bill probably lacks the basic network skills to know you can do that.
Fuck. How bad is this...??
Is this going to take out VPNs as well?
Cause people fail to awknowledge there is more to politics than just left and right, or progressive and conservative, etc.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Friday, April 13, 2029
Can't help but wonder if it's bad luck if it hits us, or bad luck if it misses us at this point.
(/s shit's fucked but I still prefer getting missed)
Why would you not quote the first paragraph that explains everything about the law?
US Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) today proposed a law that would let copyright owners obtain court orders requiring Internet service providers to block access to foreign piracy websites. The bill would also force DNS providers to block sites.
TBH they can't really pass anything even if they wanted to focus on more important issues. Majority Leaders call votes and they're both Republicans.
When you forgot to educate your people well enough so you don't have to worry about what they see.
I don't think it's even corporate now. There is oligopolies/monopolies in each sector already
Sometimes I feel like democrats don't actually care more about voters, they just care much more about appearances.
Just a step in the direction towards that, though. They'll pass it, and people will still pirate. Then, they'll claim the legislation wasn't enough and pass another bill further encroaching on our freedom on the internet.
Maybe, but for now she doesn't have a single co-sponsor. LINK TO THE BILL
And rich people
yeah today's been a day
Idk man, that sounds like evidence based thinking, to me, reported.
The fact that this dumb bitch is trying to do this, a blatant violation of open internet ideas btw, as the technocracy makes its opening moves is the real problem.
Don't settle for half measures.
I'm not sure where the fuck you've been hiding but Net Neutrality got struck down when we voted Fascists into power, so maybe cool it with blaming the dems for that one, pal.
its uh, definitely one of the feelings of all time reading through threads like this, assuming these are actual real people, spending their actually real time, talking about these actually real things.