'We've lost a partner and a friend': Ukrainians somber as U.S. partnership disintegrates
Dr Evil asked for 1 Million dollars (pinkie to side of mouth), that was the joke
And then the second time he asked for an absurdly high number
Then he asked for one hundred billion dollars after being informed 1 millions wasn’t that much. He came up with an unreasonable amount of money that he knew would never be accepted.
The joke is, there is no rare earth deposits that can be immediately used or it will make sense to exploit. Minerals were just a pretext to gove muskovites everythong they want, problem is it probably won't work, due to trump and his stellar teams being even dumber then everyone expected them to be.
Here's hoping Europe continues to step up on behalf of Ukraine.
Fuck I am naively hoping elections in Germany and Canada go well...
Nah, we just have the same enemies..
Ukraine is not taking that deal? The only thing Zelensky said that Ukraine is not going to abide by a treaty for which’s negotiations its not invited, didn’t he?
Im honestly scared. I’ve been hopeful towards every election, but that hope is gone.
The left has been surging in polls but I’m fearing a cdu+afd government. -
When I went to Greece, I was surprised to see footage of the war on TV. In the US we'd never see anything like this. We are really isolated from the reality of what is going on in the world and the consequences of our actions. This makes it easier for our government to create policy that is wrong and immoral.
'We've lost a partner and a friend"
Canada has similar feelings.
But we still support our Ukranian friends, despite the crisis our downstairs neighbor is experiencing.
I agree with everything you wrote, but I don't think they carved up only Ukraine in that phone call. At least all of Europe, possibly the entire world.
The problem here is that the US doesn't need Ukraine for any of those things. They have their own deposits.
Trump doesn't actually care. That's just a cover for his real goal, which, just like his idol Putin, is a purely megalomaniacal/narcissistic desire to be remembered in history as "[Trump|Putin] the Great" for expanding the size of their respective empires.
Trump couldn't care less which of Ukraine, or Gaza, or Greenland, or the Panama Canal Zone, or Canada that he gets a piece of, as long as he gets something. And if he fails at all of those, expect him to make up even more bullshit excuses to send the US on even more imperialist adventures.
You're not wrong. I just like to point out the actual logical folly now and again so that people in the middle (if any are left) can see the folly.
Sorry Ukraine. Turns out most of the US is either just fucking evil, or not bothered enough by evil to lift a fucking finger to stop it.
I really thought we were better than this. We've failed the entire planet.
Ironic how people shat on Russians for not standing up to their government only for the US to do the same.
When you say footage, do you mean like actual combat footage?
If so I think that's excellent.
You are absolutely right the US is completely isolated from the reality of unpleasantness that is often in the world, often because of us.
Our only exposure to real evil and violence is in movies and TV and everything else is 'tastefully' censored.
So we debate policy like war and diplomacy completely isolated from the actual reality that those policies create. -
What should an individual American do?
Absolutely. We need to go to websites like krudplug or kaotic in order to see actual war footage.
I think it's intentional. If more Westerners could see the horrors of war outside of hollywood movies, they might be more inclined to stop it.
Answering that directly would be a violation of rule #6.
What should the individual German citizen have done in the 1920s and 1930s to prevent the Nazis from rising to power and/or to resist them once they were in power? Cuz... that.