What are your favorite games for killing nazis?
Even setting aside all of the gore and cruel executions, BJ's growling inner commentary is a great mood-setter for that game.
Hide and go seek.
Matthew Crooks Simulator 2025
I enjoyed The Saboteur.
Wolfenstein 2009 is underrated
It also has that one dude on the street in saint denis who
::: spoiler minor side character spoiler
is pushing his eugenics book.
::: -
I save my molotovs for that guy and his books
Noice! Ya know I've never actually played Wolfenstein haha. But I want to!
Hearts of Iron 4 is also fun. You can take on the entire third reictb
Zombie Army Dead War 4
You don't only get to see nazis that are already dead, you can tear them into pieces again and again... It's really super fun
Honestly still is. Best FPS since HL2. Love the cutting tool.
Pavlov VR, if you are better than the enemy team that is.
They're good games.
WolfD straight up