What do I want for my birthday?
Jamon Iberico
Life size model of Captain Picard
Escape Room
8000 Hamsters
Dinner at a fancy restaurant
Bathtub of chocolate pudding
Maybe a really nice edition of a book you already love, from a luxury publisher like The Folio Society or Easton Press?
An escape room with 8000 hamsters and ketamine. Now that's a birthday
Best I can do is a meatball and an over-the-pants tugjob.
A pair of Calico Cut Pants
With my partner, we usually gift time/knowledge. As in, one person wants to buy something but doesn't have the time/expertise to read up it and find the perfect thing. So the other hops in and does the research for them.
This valentine's my partner helped me decide on a new gaming keyboard, while I got him a custom web domain and email setup.
So maybe if there's a thing you've been meaning to research/buy, let your partner do it as a gift?
Food? Everybody likes food, right?
Or an experience - a trip, a night out, whatever
Get a hobby. You'll always need/want stuff if you become a photographer or a fisherman or pnp-player or a ...
Consumables are great. It opens up for repeatability and the receiver is never stuck with dust collectors.
I have the same problem when I need to come up with things on the spot. So instead I keep a list that I add ideas I get for things I want over time. That way if someone asks I can show them that and I don't have to think on the spot about what I want.
You want a 6npack of BIC medium black pens
To list of things anything you could want:
- Goods
- Services
- Relationship time, your partner doing things for you,
which can be subdivided into 10 things.
You want a fun day trip that you don't have to plan?
If your partner is a craftsy type, you could suggest that they craft something for you. It was always those gifts that meant the most to me when I was with someone craftsy. It doesn't have to have utility, or be perfect, it just means the world that someone spent time and thought creating something for you.
You want a purple rubber dildo
Now this is a great idea and why i asked this question in the first place! Not sure why I wasn't thinking of it.
They once made me an incredible crocheted dice bag. It's a crocheted bottle and cork with a baby red dragon wrapped around it protecting it. It took time and effort, looks super cool, was cheap to make, and I love it! This is the kind of thing that would make them feel great in giving and I love it too!
Near perfection.
This is literally what I do for other people. Not sure why I've never thought of this for myself. I mean, I have to want things now and again, right? I usually don't get those things because I ultimately don't really care and there are more important things I need to spend money on. Budget only seems to get more tight over time.
Anyway, it will be tough to remember to do this, but I just have to remember I'm doing it for them and not me. I will be more likely to actually notate things then. This can work moving forward. Thanks!
If only for my birthday I could get more resources, like time for hobbies or a huge raise so I have more money than I know what to do with.
Not a bad idea. I just have to want a thing first. I really need to wrack my brain. Ugh. I know there's something I can pull out of there. Something that I wouldn't be a huge control freak over, something that they can fully research and figure out without me minding the details. The poor spongy mash is crawling on fumes because of how busy work is and what life seems to have done to my poor gray matter.