Why United Does Not Allow You To Use In-Flight Screen As Extended Display
Reason is a shit rag, and I don't think their slop should be posted.
Rule 34.
The ones that seal do provide sound isolation
They're just not letting their eyes get dark-adapted in the first place. They can't see anything but the phone screen, but they also don't care.
Then you'll still have people screencast porn to their own screen, photograph it and post it on social media with a title like "United's in-flight entertainment".
As someone with their phone set to the bottom third of the brightness spectrum almost always (unless I'm outside), I really don't understand this. Brightness is perhaps my most adjusted setting, since I use it a half dozen times a day or so. In fact, brightness is the least interesting spec when looking at a device, since I rarely run at max anyway. In fact, my computer screen I use for work is usually at 50% brightness.
How can people stand getting blasted with lumens all the time?
There's no reason they couldn't expose an HDMI port, or even provide a cable that runs down the seat to the tray table.
Yeah, that was my take as well. That, and adding the ability to plug in/connect costs money and probably isn't popular enough to make it charging for it profitable.
So you make a point with great arguments.
Care to elaborate?
As someone who finds that most "dark mode" offerings aren't dark enough, I don't understand how they can tolerate it either. I suspect it's rather like spicy food: given enough exposure, you don't notice it's spicy (or bright) until reaching a level far above what people who aren't exposed to it on a constant basis would think was acceptable.
The article is about extended displays though.
No traces but you are still sharing your financials on a screen