How likely is a strawberry daiquiri to get me drunk? I’ve only had alcohol once and that was one beer.
Rough guess here, 2 may get you tipsy. 4 or more will probably push you to drunk.
Quick advice if you want to slow things down, a glass of water between drinks is a great way to pace yourself.
That doesn’t mean you can drive an hour after you finish your drink.
Why not?
Beer is a little tricky to compare with cocktails since beer can range from a little over 1% to 15% and cans are generally the same size. Though at a bar, specialty higher ABV beers do typically come in smaller size glasses.
Everything else you said seems pretty accurate though. Gotta always watch out for drinking things too fast before you know where your comfort levels are.
This may answer your question:
Do you have a source for it? As far as I know and also according to Wikipedia, this is not correct.
Direct alcohol tolerance is largely dependent on body size. Large-bodied people will require more alcohol to reach insobriety than lightly built people.
I am... heavier but a little shorter, and I'd feel the alcohol from a single daiquiri but it wouldn't be unpleasant. More than one would be unpleasant. I'm also a lightweight, drinking maybe once a month at most, and usually more like every other month.
Re "a drink": That's maybe a little dangerous advice.
A standard daiquiri is going to be 2 full shots of rum, plus about ¾oz lime and simple, add some muddled strawberry to make strawberry. Just as a 7.5% IPA has much more alcohol than a 4.2% Guinness/Miller Lite.
IIRC, that puts a daiquiri at 2 "regular" 5% beers, or a bit more than 2 "domestic" lite beers. And that's assuming nobody used an overproof rum.
For a lightweight, that's a drink to sip slowly.
The faster you drink, the more and longer it affects you.
Strongly depends on the establishment serving the daiquiri. Some places load it up with booze, others only put in a half shot. There's no standard recipe. Be warned that sugar-heavy drinks like a daiquiri often cause hangovers more easily than non-sugary alcoholic drinks.
You're probably better off just ordering your favorite diet soda and a shot of vodka, whiskey, or rum on the side. Mix half of the shot with your drink and see how you feel, then go from there.
I don't like beer or most alcohol, so I have a drink maybe a few times per year.
One single alcohol is enough to get me tipsy, and we are similar in dimensions.
Have fun on your date!!
Golden advice my father gave me:
The second you start noticing any buzz it's time to ease down. There is still more alcohol in your stomach waiting to be absorbed so you'll continue getting more buzzed even if you do stop.
It's a great way to pace yourself.
? It doesn’t.
For someone who doesn't drink and with your weight, you'll probably feel one.
Also, mixed drinks are more variable on determining when you are drunk. The liquor used to make it may be stronger or weaker. The quantity of alcohol can also be adjusted by the bartender.
Just have one and see if you like it. If you're 23 then you are old enough to figure out for yourself if you like it or not.
If you do like it it's fine, if you don't it's also fine. No pressure no worries
And you'll likely just feel a small buzz of the drink -
Akso, drink as much water as you do alcohol.
Homework water!
I made stupid mistakes in my youth and ended up in classes. This was repeated ad nauseum. As is the hour to process a single serving of alcohol is the same for everyone.
I reckon that that buzz will last half an hour…OP could drink slowly to stop the buzz going too high.
I weigh a little more but am a lightweight female drinker, and two standard drinks is my limit for a buzz that doesn't suck. So one double (that is what my homemade drinks usually measure) or two if we are out. Always bracketed by at least a pint of water before and after.
Though if I am hungry, less than one. So as long as you are eating you should be fine.
Strawberry Daiquiri usually is a pretty awful drink at restaurants though, not involving any actual strawberries.