Trump’s attempts to denigrate Zelenskyy have led to a surge in Ukrainian unity
I also believe there is a law preventing an election during war.. I could be wrong, but pretty sure I saw such an article about it.
More important, it's just more projection. He's a dictator. Not me
Volodymyr's account exposed!
But the US had elections during WW2 and they where in exact same position as Ukraine is now!
Unfair Fairy!
Also fuck Putin and fuck Trump. I'm an American, and I look forward to taking a shit on Trump's grave.
and online “reaction” are never representing on the ground situation.
Unironically saying this as online reaction such as this, absent of any evidence or being on the ground themselves.
Fleeing from conscription is common across all wars, no matter how just. Russia has massive problems with people fleeing. Anyways, that's not really what the article was discussing.
It actually is pretty black-and-white in terms of who is fighting a just war, and who is fighting a war more akin to Hitler's invasion of Poland.
American here. Fuck the people who voted for Trump, didn't vote at all, and anyone involved in the huge spike of voter suppression. We were sold out through misinformation and inference.
To be honest it feels more like the DNC fails to fall in line with the direction the Dem base falls in love with. Unlike the RNC.
Trump could take over the RNC, people like Bernie couldn't do so with the DNC.
Were they? Wich part of the US was ocupied exaclty? Apart from some atols in the middle of nowhere?
I would love for California to invade Arizona while they're at it.
Cmon Cali! You need the water and I don't want uranium mining in my state, especially the Grand Canyon
If Trump’s incompetence in executing Vlad’s grand vision saves Ukraine, and his chaotic bumbling at home collapses our government in such spectacular fashion that we look more like modern Europe in a decade, I will obviously be happy about it but I will also be so annoyed.
He would not be the Trump we deserve, he would be the Forrest Magoo that we need.
Look at Obama. When he went up against Hilary in 2008 no one thought he had a chance.
The problem Bernie had was that he personally couldn't do the level of organizing it would have taken. Sadly, none of his people stepped up and took the reins.
I contributed to Bernie three times, and three times I saw it sputter out.
I'd argue there's a big difference between being at war somewhere and your country being currently invaded and your country fighting survival.
Go move to Ukraine lol
Unfortunately with the state of the Colorado River, AZ will need water soon, too.
I'm worried that this will soon lead to a US invasion into Ukraine, using Russian talking points. The military is already beheaded to avoid any opposition
Invasion? Only uninvited like the ruskies are doing an Invasion.
Besides, peace keepers on Ukrainian non-Russian borders like Belarus would free up Ukrainian units.
Not really in the course of history. A lot of countries had no elections that could have been postponed.
Also, yes.
How many countries can this guy invade at a time? Greenland, Canada, Panama, South Africa, Ukraine... the list is so long I'm sure I'm missing somebody.
[baa-dum! tsk!]
No. You go to Ukraine—and make sure you wear your MAGA hat.