Quickly transferring files between PC and phone
I often spin up a quick python http server. Just go to the folder which has the files you want to transfer and run the following command:
python3 -m http.server
. This will server the folder contentServing HTTP on port 8000 ( ...
. On your phone you can then browse to http://PC_IP:8000 and download what you want/need. -
A bit heavy for my taste.
Not heard of this one. Thanks.
Too much typing, especially if transferring from phone to computer.
Thanks though.
I'd use anything else that is based on rsync over Syncthing
I just paid the whole 4$ for the pro version and to support an otherwise free app I've quite enjoyed.
No ads/tracking anymore.
Devs gotta eat.
Taildrop works relatively well for most all circumstances. Only thing is you gotta use trayscale or cli currently for sending files from a Linux/bsd machine. I don’t know if opened has a port for trayscale but it definitely has a port of tailscale.
Localsend works great for me.
What is heavy about that? Is it more complex on BSD or something?
Installing KDE will pull in hundreds of packages.
This sounds great. Thanks.
FX File Explorer has a local web-access feature. Start it on your phone and access via local IP, then just turn it off when you're done.
Don't use on public wifi, it's http-only.
I keep a fairly close eye on my DNS traffic; it still does crash reporting through Crashlytics (which I just block), but that's about it.
Another +1 for it here. Use it multiple times a day between Linux, MacOS, android, and iOS.
For links, I use Pocket (you can use Wallabag, but I find the interface not efficient at all).
For files, you can sync a folder with syncthing (but you only switch it on when you want a quick sync, otherwise keep it off for battery). If you just want to put some file on your phone, install FTP server (free) from F-droid and switch it on when you need it. Use Filezilla or any file browser (if on Linux) to exchange your files. Remember to switch the server off once finished, because FTP is not a secure protocol.