Quickly transferring files between PC and phone
Hah. Nice hack!
Also, I love red dwarf.
Dang, that's too bad. Hopefully one day!
I use SyncMe which synchronizes smb shares to your phone. It's great once you have it set up, but it does take a little setup. Gotta have shares and whatnot.
This is super-cool, just a shame it's unmaintained.
I like this a lot.
A question. Docs say:
Your files are sent using WebRTC, encrypting them in transit. Still you have to trust the PairDrop server. To ensure the connection is secure and there is no MITM there is a plan to make PairDrop zero trust by encrypting the signaling and implementing a verification process. See issue #180 to keep updated.
Does this mean if you self-host on your LAN for personal use without https, then nothing is encrypted, or does WebRTC negotiate its own crypto?
Sounds like WebRTC crypto is mandatory.
PairDrop is a fork of SnapDrop, which at one point had more features and active development. Don't know, how it is nowadays though.
Does your PC have Bluetooth? Definitely quick and sort of self hosted.
I usually use kde connect.
Syncthing is fast. I have an IPv6 setup too which seems to help.
I have my downloads directory on my desktop linked to a downloads directory on my Android; you can't link to the real Android downloads directory anymore so I use another.
When the file is removed from the desktop downloads directory it disappears from mobile.
However, before I started using Obsidian notes I used to transfer URLs using Signal's Note-to-self thing. Signal on both desktop and mobile.
Obviously, I sync between mobile and desktop Obsidian using Syncthing.
SFTP or Matrix
I'm not sure if there's one the best tool, depending on a case, I use mix of
- scp
- localsend
- croc
- https://github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh
- https://github.com/stonith404/pingvin-share
- pbcli (pastebin)
- I also have a script that sends me mail with files attached
KDE Connect also works on Gnome, Windows and Android. I can't recommend it enough. Transfering a single image from phone to PC is instantaneous
And having a unified clippboard is just so convenient
Syncthing or https://pairdrop.net/
Yeah, me too. It is quick and easy. I use SyncThing for things I want to keep synced.
I'll add in Bitwarden Send (including self-hosted vaultwarden), although probably doesn't make sense if you're not already using it for password management.
I use a Gnome implementation of this and it works great too.
I mean, the fastest method is likely to just plug the phone into PC and pretend it's a flash drive?