What do you believe that most people of your political creed don't?
I can't believe this word doesn't seem to have made it into any part of this thread, but I think you're looking for viability: the point where a fetus can live outside of the womb. This isn't a hard line, of course, and technology can and has changed where that line can be drawn. Before that point, the fetus is entirely dependent on one specific person's body, and after that point, there are other options for caring for it. That is typically where pro-choice folks will draw the line for abortion as well; before that point, an abortion ban is forced pregnancy and unacceptable, after that point there can be some negotiation and debate (though that late into a pregnancy, if an abortion is being discussed it's almost certainly a health crisis, not a change of heart, so imposing restrictions just means more complications for an already difficult and dangerous situation).
There has been discussion somewhere in this tree about viability, but the word itself wasn't used. Viability also has another meaning: the potential to someday be able to live outside the womb. I actually think the latter is more important morally speaking than the former. In a reasonable world, I would think that sensible pro-lifers should agree that if the foetus is doomed one way or another, why prevent an abortion?
But viability as you define it doesn't mean much to me. Consider the earliest point at which the foetus is viable (could potentially survive outside the womb), versus the day before that. On the day before, the parent has the option to wait one day, at which point the foetus will become viable. Now compare this with a different situation: for the price of $20, a certain drug can be used to save a foetus' life. Would you agree that in the latter situation, the foetus is already "viable"; it just needs a little help? If you agree with this, and since waiting 1 day is a similar cost on the behalf of the parent as paying $20, this means, the day before the foetus becomes viable, it's already "viable" -- the word has no meaning.
(If you disagree, and you think that the necessity of $20 drugs before the baby becomes viable means that it's okay to abort it, I find that to be a strange morality, and I'd like to learn more. Or perhaps you think there's something fundamentally different between waiting 1 day and paying $20.)
You already pointed out examples of what appear to be higher amounts of computation in the brain not apparently tied to experience rate.
I actually would say that high interaction is high computation is high experience rate.
I think computation is meaningful, whereas interaction can be high-entropy and meaningless. I would probably need to consult E.T. Jaynes to have more precise definitions of the difference between these notions.
I'd be extremely curious to see how you define "meaningful" in this context. This seems to drive your moral hierarchy. Correct me if I'm wrong of course.
Im left leaning on many social issues but pronouns was never a necessary social construct hill we needed to die on.
I think that useless fight got us the full hard swing to the right.
Especially because you shouldn't give a fuck about how people perceive you. You should be whoever you are and not care about labels.
I think that we just didn't fight the fight very smartly, and in the end it's been weaponized against us.
You're under the impression that they were my friends first, which aside from one, who was s cop in another city, I was not. Ony after opening a place of business and being vandalized and had things stolen did I get to know some. The ones I did become more familiar with are definitely the kinds of police you want. They use discretion first, try hard to de escalate a situation, and the last thing they want to do is make a bad situation worse for anyone. And per your questions about how they would treat people, the ones I know would help before punish, as per your examples, they'd buy someone a meal or defuse a tough situation.
The way you describe them all as soldiers working against everyone is a tough statement to take simply because when you don't need them, ACAB, but when you do need them, they can't get there soon enough. Sadly, the bad cops everyone sees is all we'll be left with once all the good ones leave because of that sentiment. Then you'll see the "soldiers" you're talking about.
The good ones I was talking about, the ones I know, half have retired early, because no matter how much good they try to do, reasonable they try to be the only rhe thing people see is an enemy. I don't look forward to the day when all we are left with is the bad ones, and it's coming sadly.
why would anarchism require a revolution? we could weaken the state gradually, which is a way better idea, since there will likely be a power vacuum after a revolution
Because, historically, the ruling classes never cede power willingly. I'm not an Anarchist though, I'm a Marxist-Leninist.
Are these elections in the room with us right now? Mind naming a single “election” that the left was “lost” over illegal immigrants?
It's the last one, the "wait a day" option and the "pay $20" options aren't equivalent. If it's still a day away from viability, it isn't viable yet, but if it's $20 away, it is. You may be of the opinion that waiting a day isn't a big deal, or is only $20 worth of hardship, but that's not your choice to make for others.
You'd think ending a doomed pregnancy would be a simple matter even for pro-lifers, yes. They often don't consider the issue, or assume that it'll always be clear-cut and obvious in every circumstance, or worry that any exception will be used as a loophole.
I’m surprised you’re not getting downvoted and harassed.