If nothing happens after we die, what's the point of it all?
Everything happens after you die, you solipsistic fool
The meaning of your life is whatever you decide it to be. Your most fundamental motivations are inherently irrational/instinctual, but once you know what they are you can pursue them more deliberately.
Read myth of sisyphus BEFORE the stranger please. But yea camus is great
what was it like before you were born? That's what it's like after you die.
Your single existence might be ephemeral, but humanity isn't, your community isn't, and possibly your family either
Individualism breaks that sense of purpose, and it teaches us that happiness is made by personal enjoyment of often exclusive activities
If we lose trust in our community or in humanity in general, if we imagine the next person to only care about themselves, basivally if we expect individualism from others, we lose hope of feeling a more community-oriented form of happiness! And unfortunately in many places that situation is expected, because people are often indeed individualistic
and what is the point of our collective community/humanity?
can you tell us about yours? what is the meaning of your life? I know we may not resonate with it and think it's worthless but to you it has a meaning
the worst advice ever given to Ted Bundy
Well the further you go on, the more likely it is that you find there is no point in anything, we are but a phenomenon in the universe
But if you look closely you realise many have needs, many have desires, many want to enjoy company and experience many things, they feel a purpose in what they do
There is a cute plot point in my fav anime, Hunter x Hunter. While the main protagonist Gon has a goal, to find his own father that left him as a baby, his best friend Killia is initially pretty nihilistic. He told his feelings about this to Gon, and he replied that, until he finds his purpose, Killua's goal will just be to be at his side. So, basically, the friendship itself will be his purpose.
I think the general point is that our potential nihilism is part of our character. We were never supposed to live an individuals and be self-sufficient. Finding a purpose as individuals might not be a solvable problem! We might need another person to get that purpose.
So while "scientifically" we don't have a purpose, as life itself is a phenomenon and our consciousness is a happy accident of that phenomenon, some people feel a purpose, they feel they want something, and others could simply tag along and find purpose in helping others with theirs.
At least that's my answer so far π€
I did it the other way around. Still hit me like a truck. Damn you Camus.
Afraid? No, I'm male.
Disgusted by so much backwards dullness? Totally.
Baffled by the amount of people believing in imaginary sky-daddies because they're too weak to handle reality on their own? All the time.
It's about control of the peasants. Like every other cult. "Study" harder
I like laughing and having sex (which I definitely have a lot of all the time I swear)
I forgot how good HxH is. Need to rewatch it again sometime.
The point is whatever we choose for ourselves. Just because we eventually die doesn't mean living isn't worth it. I don't care that one day I'll eventually die, I enjoy living now.
Good answer.
Paraphrasing something I read somewhere "Do we open a book just to close it again?" That for me, it means that it is not merely for doing something that we exist, but to tell stories, to pass on knowledge, to keep rituals alive, to be a vessel for something beyond ourselves. The important part, same as books, is to tell stories. Everything sparks from there.
Weak? Dull? Peasant?
Give me a break.
In your "reality", your life holds as much value as that of a lump of dog excrement.
And you have the nerve to call people "weak".
No wonder, atheists never created any civilisation. After all, what's the meaning of life, when it is all a giant accident? -
Somehow I'm not able to believe it.