What is the most infuriating "is not a big deal" you have ever heard?
I heard a lot of "you survived the first time, it's fine," when he got reelected. Ah yes, that pandemic we all survived. The constant food recalls where none of us got sick. The uptick in gun violence that made all of us so safe and cozy. Not to mention the famously survivable ectopic pregnancies!
No big deal indeed.
For 2025: The aviation crashes and mishaps that are famously no big deal
People not caring about their privacy and their data being collected and sold to everyone. "Eh, it's not like my data is worth anything". If it wasn't, it wouldn't be sold, moron. All those spam and scam calls you receive? Yeah, that's because your "worthless" data is being sold, resold and spread out everywhere. But hey, if you fall for a scam and lose, dunno, 50k dollars, it's not a big deal, huh?
If it wasn't, it wouldn't be sold, moron.
More people should be aware of this.
Something I sometimes forget as well. Great reply.
When looking at firearm homicides specifically, in terms of raw numbers (not rate), the low point was 2014, during Obama's second term. It started to move upwards in '15 and '16, prior to Trump taking office, and continued increasing at the same pace through '17. We the first real sharp jump in '18, but then an equally sharp decline in '19, back to levels on par with Obama's last year in office. Interestingly, Biden's 2nd year as president (2022) had the most number of firearm homicides in, I dunno, 20-odd years?
We'd been on a long, downward trend in homicides since '92. It's not clear to me what caused the rate to begin to head back up. I don't think that Obama, Trump, or Biden can realistically be directly blamed for the bulk of it, although a small number of homicides at the margins might be more directly related to them (e.g., Trump encourages racial violence, and so a small number of homicide might be due to his tacit support). I don't think that it's directly related to economics either, because the economy that Obama inherited when he took office in 2009 had been wrecked by the housing bubble crash; it it was directly related to economics, then I would have thought that gun violence would be peaking around '09 or '10. I guess it could be a lagging indicator though?
Again, keep in mind that these are homicides, and not suicides. firearm suicides still make up the majority of deaths caused by firearms in the US.
OTOH, I understand what you mean about feeling less safe under Trump, even if there wasn't an immediate spike in gun homicides. I know a lot of people--esp. LGBTQ+ people--are feeling very unsafe with Trump in the White House right now, and I believe that they're right to feel unsafe and at-risk.
If it wasn't, it wouldn't be sold, moron.
I think more people should be concerned about their privacy, but I don't really agree with this premise. It's kind of like if there were diamonds in some peoples trash, so a company collected everyone's trash so sift through it and take the diamonds to sell. The fact that some people's trash is valuable enough for them to do this, doesn't mean mine is.
That's how these work, they hoover up everything and sell it in bulk. It doesn't mean any given users data is valuable. And that's why so many don't care.
As far as scam calls go, I have a number I have never given to anyone outside immediate family, who I know haven't shared it, and still received scam calls. They just call every number, even if you don't answer. Pretty sure if it rings at all they flag it as potentially active. Sure spreading it around may increase the number, but there's no true way to hide.
I had a discussion/argument in ~2018 with a friend who is/was very anti-trump. I brought up the dangers of ICE and how, at the time, they were the biggest sign of an overtly fascist future. He immediately handwaved it and dismissed me as crazy.
He's got a degree in history education and was obsessed with WW2 history, so I didn't think this would be a point of contention. But for a lot of liberals (including him) Fascists have to literally be wearing a swastika before they're called what they are. Some won't even acknowledge the existence of a Nazi Salute when they see one.
Even today he's obsessed with Trump as the single anomaly in US politics and doesn't see the bigger picture.
I also feel particularly passionate about this, as felt totally dismissed by nearly every adult in my life as a kid. That shit feels so defeating and isolating. it can seriously fuck you up.
This. Sexual abuse goes ignored because of this attitude in parents
I dislike US rule because it self-imposes itself over the entire world, trying to insert its media in every facet of everyone's life, its military in impoverished countries, effectively forcing them to stay poor and "not a threat to US democracy" under the guise of rescue, etc.. One state's terrorist is a people's freedom fighter. I looked back at 9/11 for example, the event they're still sensitive about. The US, through oppression and infestation, turned men into the 'terrorists' that became Al Qaeda.
thats like any conservative or liberal i try to reason with
not if you are a big fat P I R A T E
Lack of high quality public transit.
"Just drive bro"
as felt totally dismissed by nearly every adult in my life as a kid
So at some point it stopped?
Why are ads being made for the internet?
That last word is the motivator to seed:
I buy the games that deserve it, when i can afford it.
Over 900 games on steam, not garbage either.
Piracy has its place, but voting with the wallet is important too.
of course, got factorio recently because addiction. and a few others.
pay people who dont nickle and dime you and actually deserve it, its already a great start.
Eating meat. It contributes 15-20% of the entire planets greenhouse gasses alone. And people do it just for pleasure. It's mindboggling.