Trump gave Europe three weeks to sign off on Ukraine "surrender": MEP
Because the republicans have spent years gutting oversight, and decades making the populace dumber. This is their final putsch to fully gut the government so they can have complete power. And they’ve mostly succeeded already. The people are beyond disengaged from four years of this four years ago, plus Covid, plus struggling to survive in late stage American capitalism. It’s the perfect storm for a fascist takeover. And they’re taking full advantage.
So your proofs are,
- one "source" is pro ukrainian
- the economy is ok in russia. We are talking about the batlefield bro
- your opinion
Booo, get better material
You understand that if Ukraine didn't have to ration their ammunition, they would be able to repel Russia without much problem. It's not an issue with manpower in the slightest. Also Xi has told Putin not to use nuclear weapons, and Putin has to do what Xi wants (unless Xi gives him a sock).
Over 50% of the once that went voting voted for trump.
If you didnt vote, that was your vote. The vote to not give a fuck but still life with the aftermath -
EU with the last part already way ahead of you
Yeah. Their nukes too
Denmark should really stop exporting that to them
Call his bluff.
American soft power around the globe relies on having those bases on foreign soil.
How did the Russians do in Afghanistan?
This sounds like a blessing in a very thin disguise.
Fucking piece of shit.
Also known as "pig hitler"
If you think about it from position of China being the biggest threat, then only Asian bases and countries matter. That's why we don't hear much about Trump doing crazy things in that region.
While Europe is important, it should be able to fend for itself. Also Europe joining China is unlikely in short and mid term. So it make sense to spend less money on Europe and focus on Asia.
Also explains the Russia situation. Although culturally Russia is as European as Sweden and Germany, this war has pushed it closer to China than ever. If the conflict lasts longer, then their alignment would be immenent. Personally I'm surprised that they didn't align more. China was being surprisingly passive about the whole thing.
Under 50%, he only got 49% of the vote.
If any European country bows down to Donald, I’ll boycott it for the rest of my life
Does that include the ballot images that musk created on his behalf?
Isn't china already heavily invested/investing in Hungary?
Military bases and soldiers are the opposite of soft power
I think Trump will manage to push Europe into China's arms well within the next 4 years at the rate he's going. If Europe can get China to back Ukraine I think that's all it would take at this time.
You should look up the definition of tacitly.
All that's required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. If you did nothing to prevent Trump, then you are fully on board with what he promised to do when he's in power.