Trump gave Europe three weeks to sign off on Ukraine "surrender": MEP
Call his bluff.
American soft power around the globe relies on having those bases on foreign soil.
How did the Russians do in Afghanistan?
This sounds like a blessing in a very thin disguise.
Fucking piece of shit.
Also known as "pig hitler"
If you think about it from position of China being the biggest threat, then only Asian bases and countries matter. That's why we don't hear much about Trump doing crazy things in that region.
While Europe is important, it should be able to fend for itself. Also Europe joining China is unlikely in short and mid term. So it make sense to spend less money on Europe and focus on Asia.
Also explains the Russia situation. Although culturally Russia is as European as Sweden and Germany, this war has pushed it closer to China than ever. If the conflict lasts longer, then their alignment would be immenent. Personally I'm surprised that they didn't align more. China was being surprisingly passive about the whole thing.
Under 50%, he only got 49% of the vote.
If any European country bows down to Donald, I’ll boycott it for the rest of my life
Does that include the ballot images that musk created on his behalf?
Isn't china already heavily invested/investing in Hungary?
Military bases and soldiers are the opposite of soft power
I think Trump will manage to push Europe into China's arms well within the next 4 years at the rate he's going. If Europe can get China to back Ukraine I think that's all it would take at this time.
You should look up the definition of tacitly.
All that's required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. If you did nothing to prevent Trump, then you are fully on board with what he promised to do when he's in power.
You can count on Hungary and maybe Slovakia to good america/russia first Europeans.
Possibly Serbia too
I don't think so. They are culturally too different. Europe will continue to suck American cock for at least couple decades going forward. That's not to say that economic ties won't increase in the meantime.
Yes China makes big distinction between US and Europe in its rhetoric. And they are working on pulling Europe from USA, but it's early days and it will take time. Lots of time.
I wonder what Putin has on Trump. Pee tape or P-Tape?
All they need is donkeys and wounded people to take on the West. Hell, in Iraq there were multi-million$ US tanks being blown to pieces by $30 IED's. Both US and Russia were beat in Afghanistan against goats and tunnels. Not trying to say that Russia is doing fine (they're not) but their technology or lack-thereof is less a sign of weakness and more of a flex. It's almost as if Russia is saving the good stuff for somewhere else, like a geopolitical rival they've had for over 100 years, who are currently destabilized and divided done by the help of Russian disinformation tactics and their own assets in that rivals government, you know...
Art of the deal. Plan A is to give three weeks to sign off on the surrender. When they refuse, Plan B starts. Plan B is that there is no Plan B.