The seven programming ur-languages
- ur mom lmao
- Uruk-hai
- Urethra
- Urdu language
- Ursa Major
- Ursa Minor
- Uranus
Yes, but it’s a prefix and can’t be used as a word on its own.
I am a native English speaker and I know it. It’s rare though.
Same meaning as in German and apparently we borrowed it from German.
Open your mind a little; collective action has an impact but individual action may not. Paraphrasing Cloud Atlas, certainly an ocean is nothing more than a vast collection of raindrops, but each individual raindrop collectively acts as a body of water. This dissolves your false dilemma.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were responding to another comment, because in response to mind it doesn't make any sense...
One of the Ursas could have been The Game of Ur
Not sure about a lot of these different languages, but Ruby claims to have taken many many many of its features from smalltalk, so the article is quite strange in that regard too.
forgot Ur-Quan
I like how you think, fellow lemming
When an enthusiastic novice asks what language to learn you should pretentiously tell them it doesn't matter because the majority in use today are similar and trace their roots to the same source.
For pretentious reasons we'll define that source as an *ur-*language because that's a defined prefix that nobody uses in reality so it's a great way to assert I'm more cleverer than you.
Now, here's a long rambling lesson on other ur-languages that nobody uses because they're overly complex but because I'm so much cleverer I clearly know them all.
To conclude I've ignored your original question but don't worry, here's a link to the programming course I sell.
Once you've completed your first you shouldn't bother putting it into practice but instead every year try a language completely unrelated to the first so it's extra difficult. Just ignore the fact it's guaranteed to be a dead language nobody uses in reality. it's more important to be different than have practical skills.
I believe that's how it became a cognate in English as well. Very common to hear people use ur-<word> to refer to the original or foundation of that thing.