What's the underrated quote that will stick with you for life?
I've gravitated more towards "desire is suffering", but the general place avoiding desire has taken me is not great. That one was probably bullshit.
Given his political leanings, very appropriate.
TBH his writing style was a bit adjective-y too, although the world he built is fascinating. (I know less about his many letters and journals)
Aristocrats throwing peasants at each other.
Maybe you're thinking of WW2.
Do to others as you want done too you. Wouldnt say its under rated just not actually followed by the masses that preach it
Plenty of big flash points at current. I think we are seeing capitalism in disrepair, similar to 1920 Europe, world powers are rebalancing and competing for the now very limited resources. The working class are taking the brunt of the hardship and seek real change, and when trump can't make good on those promises we will see a real struggle.
Good luck out there comrade.
Rewatched that recently. I was really surprised how dark it sometimes gets for a kids' show. It still holds up really well!
IMO some people take this too literally. Just because you want to be treated a certain way doesn't mean other people want to be treated that way.
Dad told me when I was young to "learn to drink your coffee black and cold and you'll never be disappointed."
I don't think he was just talking about coffee.
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Those who know history are doomed to know it's repeating.
It's the second part that makes this otherwise well know phrase hit much closer to home for me.
As in have low expectations of everything?
"Don't follow people - follow ideas" which seems more relevant today than ever before it seems.
This one’s my favourite
It’s always darkest before the dawn.
How I interpret it is that when things get bad, and reach a new level of bad, that could be just what is needed for the pendulum to swing the other way, and swing extra hard.
Kind of like a Great Depression giving labour laws kind of a thing.
Gives me hope.
More like be grateful for what you're given
That's much more wholesome!
I feel like this is most appropriate with politicians. No politician will be everything you want, but if they have a few policies you're into, they're worth your vote.
I think it applies outside of politics as well like art and even business.
Men are scared that women will laugh at them , women are scared that men will kill them.