PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why
PS4 may still be your primary console.
That’s a single player game. You need to be online to play it?
I’m wondering. I’ll look into that. Thanks for the heads up.
It's the sequel to the first one, and historical accuracy was like, at the center of of that one. Your character starts off the game not knowing how to read, because in medieval Europe, literacy was not widespread and the son of a blacksmith certainly wouldn't know how to read, so books you pick up in the game are total gibberish until you learn to read.
That was the case for me when I got my PS5, I had to manually set the PS5 to being the primary, even though I didn't even own the PS4 any more.
I’ve been playing so much kingdom come deliverance 2 that I didn’t even notice PSN being down.
If you like RPGs try it.
It's like the anti pirating software. Drm? Can't tell if I own it or not.
The cloud is just someone else's computer.
Your math needs some work…
2025 - 2011 = 14
2011 + 6 = 2017
You're mixing stuff up, the direct connect for multiplayer where you put the IP has nothing to do with authentication that he's talking about. Whenever you open up a multiplayer game it will authenticate yourself with PSN using the account you have on the playstation, then if your authentication succeeded it will authenticate with the game service-servers which will reply with stuff like your progression in the game, whether someone has sent you a message or a friend request, etc. Modern games are a platform in and of themselves, essentially they have an entire Discord on steroids internally which you're using before, during and after playing online matches. If the PSN is down you can't authenticate with those servers... I mean, they could allow you to login using username and password, but that's: 1 not needed since the PSN is almost never down and 2 probably against some TOS from Sony for you to release games on their platform. So if the PSN is down you would not be able to get into the main screen for multiplayer anyways, so there's no place where you could input the IP for the game-server you want to connect to.
I'm not defending the system, but it is what it is, games have organically evolved to have all of these social features which people do use and like, it makes sense that Sony won't allow you to go over them and authenticate directly with the game specific service-servers and it makes sense that if you're relying on all of that for login you also rely on it for matchmaking (which is where the IP would come in place). Could it be better? Sure, but there's no incentive for it to be, PSN is rarely down and games (at least large ones) take forever to be sunset, and by that time there are almost no people playing them anyways.
I hope they weren't breached again.
That's awfully nice of you, certainly not a hope I share.
I'm not mixing anything up. If they allowed for things like direct IP connections, you could still play Baldur's Gate 3, online, regardless of this downtime. It wasn't organically that we arrived here. It's objectively worse.
This is the relevant bit of what you're replying to:
I don’t see how modern games would function without that service running. Who am I playing against? What’s their name? How did I get my account progress?
None of that comes from the game-server but rather from the service-server. Even if social games that have those features allowed you to connect to a server directly, you would still need to connect to their servers for all of that stuff.
Direct IP connection has nothing to do with authentication and social flows (e.g. names and progress like the comment you're replying to mentioned) and would not help in the slightest with it.
I fell off 1. Is 2 an improvement to the charming eurojank?
I never played the first one. I just watched a story recap.
The gameplay isn’t janky just brutally difficult and unforgiving. It goes for realism above all. I’m really liking it but I’m only maybe halfway through the story.
Someone unplugged the Mac mini
It would help people who wanted to have a functioning video game. Then you could ask your friend (or someone on Discord) what their IP address is and play with them.
Not my president!
::: spoiler Tap for spoiler
(I live in Germany)
::: -
You just made a Techbro angry somewhere in the world.
It has happened more often than that. The one in 2011 was the biggest outage, but PSN also got DDOSed by lizard squad a couple years after the 2011 outage