Built a shelve to transport long consumables and tools on the bed of my work truck
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As an electrician, I respect it. Make your work vehicle work for you as much as possible.
Please don't look in the back of my van, it's a nightmare
Love that extra long extension for your drill
Yeah, I only have my standard bit holder and a long ass one. Too much is always enough is my motto.
When I read "long consumables", I was half-expecting to see a 6' party sub or something
Oh man, that's the kind of cargo I'm talking about.
I've been considering a similar setup for overlanding. I just need to set it up in a way that the whole kit is removable, but I can still strap it down to the tie down points in my 4Runner.
Maybe stupid question : how do you fix the wood on the car body?
I too am curious about this
My old Electrician Boss was like this. Shit randomly thrown anywhere in the truck cab and bed. I started organizing it with recycle totes. But a few jobs later it would be a disaster again. He didn't quite realizetheat saving 30 seconds tossing stuff anywhere when packing up,turned to 5 minutes searching for thwt item when on site.
There's tie-down loops on the side of the bed. I just have big bolts that go thru the loop and screw directly into the 2x4 of the storage shelve. It's attached in three points.
This setup is designed in a way that it can be quickly removed as well. The thing with the drawers is just held down with a single ratchet strap. Once you remove that it slides right out. The shelve on the other hand is held down with 3 bolts attached to the tie down points on the side of the bed. This can all be taken out in around 10 minutes.
Yeah we're one way or the other, either the van is pristine or it's piled full of shit. No in-between lol