Italy calls for 'immediate' summit between US, Europe following Zelensky-Trump clash
Interesting, I guess it's hard for me to know the viewpoint of other countries that are not so much in the spotlight (no offense, of course). I know close to 0 about Denmark's relationship with US, for example.
MSI had ideology, their founders came directly from RSI and never renegaded the fascist regime
Fascists fought WWII against the allies and lost to them, these people siding with USA make them sound like the perfect renegates.
I don’t think so at all. It’s a speculation of course.
They scream shit all day and then do the opposite, you know they would do it.
Don't know what business a russian puppet state has being in NATO. The sooner the US is kicked out of NATO the better.
I already mentioned why atlantism is a position ad a result of anticommunism.
We are going in cirlces I guess. -
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough since I stated it at the end of the message instead of the beginning. I agree with basically everything you said, except using the ukranian war support as an example of the production capabilities of the EU industry.
Sorry if it came out as if I wanted to attack you on points you agreed upon, I just used you improperly as a way to post those points out more clearly for others to see.
E anche na gran fija.
Maybe not, but the majority of voters apparently support Trump - so effectively that means USA as a country supports Trump. (And thus the USA as a country is no longer reliable or trustworthy.)
Fair. The whole world is on thin ice and things may snowball quickly. I wish the best for Europe in the months and years ahead.
Just's fucking Trump and his genocidal narcissistic billionaire Nazis that are sucking Russian cock...There are millions of us agast and horrified at this goddamn heel turn to Russian scum...and fuck me lots of us in the US are dumber than dog shit with no ability for critical thought.
Slava Ukraine!
MEGA is a great idea, just don't let maggots...I mean magat style insanity infiltrate, truly grow. I'm so ashamed of my country