Coders or lemmy, what editors do you use? Is it worth learning a new one?
On windows i use vscodium, on linux neovim.
As others say i think helix is cool, but the limited customization is kind of meh for me. I love the keybinds for it though.
I use Emacs and love it. It's an amazingly frustrating (and just plain amazing) piece of software, but it's hard to move away from it because it's the only thing like it. Maybe if Lem every gets mature enough I might switch.
I probably wouldn't recommend it though as it's doesn't sound like what you're looking for.
That's how I ended up with a latex plugin for intellij
Doom Emacs and lazyvim nvim.
Don't know about helix, and don't really care.
Modal is incomparably more comfortable, that's the main benefit.
The problem that I have is that learning new editing keybindings would probably take me a month of time, before I get to the same amount of productivity
Do you imagine vi-based editors don't let you use your mouse or what? Go through vim-tutor, learn the basic shortcuts you need, and you're back to your old productivity in a few days. You don't need to learn vi" to select a string, you can just use your mouse.
No offense to you or your habits, but C-arrow is an idiotic movement scheme. If you have to leave the home row to move around the text, you fucked up.
Just go through vim tutor...
A coworker has told me that in a previous job, he was talking to an intern and mentioned IRC and intern asked what was that. He told him that it is the "old instant messaging", which another senior coworker overheard and chimed in that "no, IRC is the new messaging thing".
If someone would be asking be what netbean is, I'd say "an IDE from the old generation of editors", but I guess that is all relative
Modal editing for just raw text input would actually be slower, because you also enter and leave Insert Mode. I find it's very fast and powerful for navigating around the text, which you probably do a lot more than actually editing it. And when it does come to editing, there are a lot of higher-level tools (at least in Vim) for accomplishing things more quickly, like the 's' command and 'q' macros.
I think getting into a mental "flow" state is really valuable, and muscle memory is important for being able to stay there. If your muscle memory is to navigate around using the mouse, that's great, but Vim feels faster to me.
I happily use Helix for Rust, etc projects, and as a general editor. I switch back to VSCode for TypeScript/Svelte projects because the plugins make it more productive for me. I do miss the editing experience and need to check if there's a VSCode plugin that lets me not confuse my muscle memory.
Helix was the thing that finally made me remap my
key toesc
. -
I keep hearing about how modal editing is faster
I've always been skeptical that optimizing text input speed would make a significant difference to overall performance. IMO if you are unhappy with your setup then look around but if you're not you don't need to have FOMO about it.
Well I was mostly looking to learn vim and was trying to use Helix as a way to do that because it looked like vim, but with a commands window that popped up to help learn the commands. They're upfront about making some breaking changes from vim though, and while I may not need to jump into a bunch of different machines that often I do like the flexibility of being able to hop into vi, vim, nvim, or some GUI editors with vim bindings relatively comfortably. So I found that LazyVim was more what I was looking for personally and nearly as easy to work with out of the box.
I am glad to see the project seems to be going strong. That was another minor concern of mine, there's little risk of vim going anywhere, but I remember being excited about the Atom editor a while back and that just kinda faded away. If it passes the test of time I'd be happy to try it again in the future. I figure it would be easier to go from vim -> helix than vice versa.
That's the thing: I do feel vscode being slow. On my work machine, it's fine - it takes about two seconds to open a project from start. But on my older laptop, that's a solid 10 sec before I can start editing.
Sublime Text.
The only thing I need from my editor is syntax highlighting and not be slow.
(Assembler, C, Python, Java and Bash are the languages I mostly work with)
I've recently taken to kakoune which was one of the inspirations for Helix.
It's not as fancy (in terms of built-in features) out of the box, but it's very performant, integrates with tmux well, and for the C++ and Python I'm writing I haven't felt the need for much beyond token based word completion and grep.
The client server model it uses has really let me improve my tmux skills because I'm working inside of it more and using it for editor splits.
I don't know if Helix does this, but I've also come to love the pipe operator (where you just pipe a selection into some external program and the selection gets replaced with the output, so you can use the e.g. the sort command to sort text). You can also pretty easily add in custom extensions via command line programs.
Panic Nova on macOS, VSCode on Windows, neovim in the Shell.
neovim. i much prefer the motions of helix, but there’s just some plugins i can’t live without.
Thanks for the overview. I'll work with tutor and see how frustrated I get
Regarding language servers:
Recently, I got into this philosophy of "every project needs a declarative environment". It means that there is a committed file that should contain all tooling need to work with the project. Compilers, formatters, test runners and also: language servers.
This fights with vscode extensions which try to be clever and download their language server / bundle it into the extension itself. "No, rust-analyzer, I don't want your build because it does not work with xtensa target arch I'm using in this project".
So actually, this ties nicely with helix not providing the language servers itself, but allowing you to bring your own.
Vscodium. Anything else (ESPECIALLY VIM, SO DON'T TELL ME TO USE VIM) makes my brain want to eject itself into the 37th dimension to look for Nirvana and the true purpose of life.
I do still use sublime as a "note" app, where I a "cheatsheet" open with a bunch of common commands I need for our project + a todo.
I use the vi option or plugins for Sublime, PHPStorm, and Pycharm or whichever IDE I'm using.
Works for chrome and Firefox too. -
Haha, I know that feeling from earlier when I was trying out
hx --tutor
. Just staring a the keyboard trying to remember which key to press, only to press the wrong one and have it do something completely unexpected. -
That's a good argument. The editing speed is not the limiting factor in my workflow.
Honestly, I think my interest for modal editing is a bit irrational. Maybe I don't want to be a normie, using the default keybindings