Donald Trump Pulling US Troops From Europe in Blow to NATO Allies: Report
E [email protected] shared this topic
"financial contribution"
That doesn't sound mafia-like at all.
wants to reduce the American contingent in Europe by about 20 percent and plans to ask for a "financial contribution" for the maintenance of the remaining troops.
Eat a dick, USA. Some partner. Maybe they’ll leave late like they showed up late for WWII after waffling about which side to join.
I say pull them all, that would cripple their power projection towards Africa, Europe and the Middle East, and move forward with the creation of a EU Army.
we elected the wrong party for that.
After the door hits them in the arse on their way out, be sure to repatriate all the land for those US bases. Make them pay 300% more for the land, after this term if they want to come back.
And use whatever money is saved to bolster one's own national military. We can't rely on the US any more for defence.
I've added some information to my previous comment. Europe might be able to replace the conventional forces, but my concern would be the ICBM defense capabilities. The US MDA has a lot of infrastructure in Europe, and that system has been fantastically expensive to develop and required decades of research and engineering build, and I doubt it can be replaced in less than 20 years.
Good to know. That's worrying indeed.
what people don't understand is that europe must say goodbye to america, things are turning.
we (europe) should start considering being more independent (from the USA) and maybe, just maybe, actually talking to our eastern neighbours.
WW3 will be in 2040, and it will be a civil unrest. workers will be dissatisfied because there's not enough work for them. economic growth on earth is ending, and rather sharply. we must drop our birth rates, because there's no way to keep people in employment after 2040.
(Do any of the EU nations have nukes that aren't owned by the US? Sadly such a deterrent is probably a requirement.<
European Nations have sufficient Nukes as a deterrent. Well I reckon one nuke plus their warheads would incapacitate most cities. There are like 500-600 officially between UK and France.
Let me expand a bit on that idea: get the fuck out! Go away.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out you fucking loser
Fair enough. The less US military presence in Europe the better. We shouldn't be reliant on the US for our security needs. European and NATO nations need to make sure they're pulling their weight.